Author Topic: The russian Imperial cache  (Read 7807 times)

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Nathan the Great

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The russian Imperial cache
« on: March 17, 2014, 08:37:04 PM »
Right now I am in the middle of reading the book The Last Tsar by Edward Radzinsky there is a passage in the book that really got me thinking, but before I go on here is the passage.

The Tsarist Cache
Kobylinsky's deputy in the guard was a certain Captain Aksyuta. who ran the affairs of the entire detachment --quite a noteworthy individual. Two years later, in the heat of the civil war, in th ebloddy year 1919, a White officer, Count Mstislav Cudovich was traveling through the unimportant town of Eisk, whire he  saw a familiar face, that of Captain Aksyuta, whom the count had knownduring his service at Tsarskoe Selo.
              Aksyuta invited him to spend the night in his home and all night he told the count stories about life with the tsar's family in Tobolsk . Aksyuta described in detail the whole story of the tsar's family's departure from Tobolsk as well. and how before their departure they gve things to Captain Aksyuta: the tsaritsa a pearl necklace and diamonds; the sovereign his saber. Aksyuta hid these things on the outskirst of Tobolsk. Only two people knew about the cache: he himself and General Denikin, whom he had told at the inquiry. (Aksuuta was arrested upon his return from Tobolsk and accused of bolshevism, but he was released when they did not find him guilty of anything.)
              By the way, we can verify these nighttime stories of Aksyuta's through the tsar's diary.
         like Prince Dolgorukov and pierre Gilliard, the tsar, of course, would of taken along the pride of any soldier--his saber. In April 1918, shortly before the tsar's departure from Tobolsk, the house was searched and the tsar recorded the results of that search in his diary:
         "This mourning the commandant, a commission of officers, and two riflemen walked arounda part of our quarters, the result of this search being ht e confiscation of saver from Valya and Gilliard and a dagger from me."
          so they did not take his saver away. Evidently someone had warned him of the search beforehand and he had given it to that someone--evidently Captain Aksyuta--fro safekeeping.
     But the little southern town of Eisk was hoplessly distant from tobolsk, lost in the expanse of Siberia, and in the bloody jumble of the civil war neither of the two initiated was likely to have been able to reach the hiding place. so in all likelihood the tsar's saber and the tsaritsa's jewels are still buried there somewhere.

so what are the chances that these jewels and saber are still hidden around Toblsk, which is know for it hidden treasure. what are the chances that they can be found. if anyone knows anything else please let me know

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Re: The russian Imperial cache
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2014, 09:41:06 PM »
False. Radzinsky's book is not very reliable for accuracy

Offline Jeremiah

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Re: The russian Imperial cache
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2017, 05:10:58 PM »
Is this Captain Aksyuta even mentioned anywhere else? He even relates a "plan" they had with Kobylinski to rescue the family...