Discussions about Russian History > Imperial Russian Antiques

Long Lost Faberge Imperial 1887 Egg Discovered. In the US!!

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Wartski's has confirmed that the buyer is not Russian. The egg has been identified as the third Imperial Egg (1887) an easter gift from Alexander III to Maria.

Where did they state that? It's not in their media release.

It was in one of the media releases... an interview with the expert from Wartski's


I'm doing some research on the imperial eggs and their condition. When you go see the egg at Wartski, could you answer a question for me? In some of the photos of the egg, there is a bow above the sapphire on the stand, but in some of the photos the bow is missing. Since you can only see one of the three sapphires at a time, could you please tell me if only one bow is missing or if it's two? I would really appreciate it, thanks!

And I think I speak for all of us when I say we're a bit jealous not to work down the street from Wartski.


Hi Chad, absolutely no problem, I'll check out and revert to you once I've seen the egg.

Very excited and as you say very lucky to be just a couple of hundred yards away from Wartski!


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