Author Topic: Posting Pics From Online? GUIDELINES.  (Read 23622 times)

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Posting Pics From Online? GUIDELINES.
« on: March 23, 2014, 11:25:59 AM »
With the proliferation of pics on the internet, many users are posting images they find out on the internet here in the Forum.  This is generally OK so long as you follow these RULES:

1.  If you own the original image there is not a problem.  These are antique photos or other images, generally from before 1925 or so. Scan and post all you want.  AFTER then, you need the photographer's permission or the owner of the original negative.

2. You found the image in a book, newspaper or magazine you own: Depends on when the book was published. Before 1925 you are fine. Afterwards, you NEED PERMISSION from the Author or the Author's estate or the newspaper/magazine publisher. IF you have permission, great. If not, you probably can't post it.

3. You found the image online:  YOU NEED PERMISSION. You have to look at the source website and determine if they allow you to copy and post their images.  For example, the Beineke Library Yale University allows this, as long as you say where you got it. JUST BECAUSE AN IMAGE IS OUT ONLINE DOES NOT MEAN ANYBODY AND COPY AND USE IT WITHOUT PERMISSION.    When in doubt, get permission or do not post the image.

We will immediately remove any image posted in the Forum if we become aware it is posted in violation of copyright or without the permission of the owner.

If you are not certain, you are allowed to post the link to where the image is outside the forum and people can go there to see it. THAT is always permitted.

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.