Noted author, Friend of the Russian people, and Friend of ours, Suzanne Massie has written a wonderful new book about her experience with Ronald Reagan and ending the Cold War between the US and Soviet Union. Reagan turned to Massie for her advice and carried her suggestions — including the now famous Russian proverb — “trust but verify” — into his meetings with the new Russian leader.
This is not a "dry history" of the era, rather it is a personal account of the people involved as individuals, not "pubic figures" and the improbable, yet actual and sometimes amusing events leading to Detente.
For anyone interested in this pivotal era in Modern World History, this is a must read.
Available on Amazon or directly here:
On a personal note, Suzanne was here in our home last night, and she had us all amazed and enraptured listening to her account of this story, and am looking forward to our copy arriving shortly.