more errata on the Russian Military air fleet order of battle for the battle of Tannenberg. This is from a 1993 letter written by A Blume I got from a archive:
1st army 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 20th KAOs most likely attached to the corps of the same number II, III, IV, and XX corps
2nd army 1st, 13th, 15th, 21st corps in 2nd army I, VI, XIII, XV, XXIII
This is from a translated part of the book "Wings of Russia" by Viacheslav M Tkachev he was the commander of the 20th KAO. He goes on to say the 1st and 15th KAOs were well trained , but had poor equipment and facilities. He also states these two armies were supposed to have a total of 40 aircraft, but probably had a few less. He goes on to state during the time frame 9-12 (OS)/22-25 (NS) August 1914 reconnaissance flights were flown and German troop movements were spotted and they were reported but the reports were either ignored or not passed on.
Tkachev later became the head of the Russian Military Air Fleet form June to December 1917. He then joined the White army in South Russia and was the head of the White Air force in the Crimea April to November 1920. He was evacuated from there and went to live in Yugoslavia. There in 1944 he was arrested by the NKVD and jailed for 10 years. After his release he was allowed to write his memoirs and died in 1965.
Blume's books on the Russian Military Air Fleet have problems. First of all he was dying when he wrote them and they were published after his death. Some with some knowledge on this subject should edited them but this was not done.
I should also point out in August 1914 the Air Services of all sides still had a lot to learn. reconnaissance reports were sometimes ignored or the information was not passed on to the people who needed them in part do to poor communications. There were also times when airmen failed to spot the enemy because they hid in the woods. It also didn't help that sometimes poor trained aircrew wrote reports based on conjecture and not on their observations.