This book was such garbage! It had more than enough inaccuracies, the most offensive Olga being sexually asssaulted on the Rus. Also, Maria has sex at Ipatiev and writes shes happy she won't die a virgin.
Also, got nastily attacked by a few "reviewers" for speaking the truth; they evoked Helen Rappaport, claiming she said Maria had sex (wonder how Helen would feel about this BS?). It was interesting as hell that the reviewers that attacked me, their only review was of this book; also, Helen Azar commented on my review, and one of these people immediately wrote a bad review of her books. She later deleted. Just suspicious as hell.
Sorry for the language, this book was so angering. Maria and Olga's story is beautiful and so tragic enough, you really don't need really at all to have such offensive embellishments of it, among other "minor" inaccuracies. Found the character of "Marie" a little whiny and and so bland.
Also, if an author can't take criticisms, you really shouldn't be a writer. I don't know for sure if those reviewers attacking me were friends, though it seems obvious; if so, not cool man. Not cool.