Thank you for the information!
Do you know if the exhibition is shown in other musems in other countries too?
Not that I've heard or am aware off,no.This collection of top pieces has been specially designed for the grand opening of the
Hermitage Amsterdam as by "order" of the Hermitage St.Petersburg "all" top-pieces are to be sent to Amsterdam for this event.
Among the 1800 pieces will be 150 (court-) dresses,uniforms,costumes and jewellery as well as Empress Catherine the Great's Coach,
for which there's a special hole in the roof to get the marvel in as well as several other larger pieces of this fabulous exhibit.
One of the wings makes you a guest at an Audience with the Tsar,another wing places you at a Court Ball among slowly moving
plateaux with Court Dresses and costumes,like Nicky's fancy Ball costume fe,that will be there too.As well as the Empress Marie-Feodorovna's
Coronation Robes used during the coronation of her son
Correct me if I am wrong,but I can't recall to have heard or ever seen this specific collection anywhere else except at the Hermitage in dear Mother Russia.