Author Topic: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit  (Read 27535 times)

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Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« on: October 24, 2014, 04:24:27 AM »
Hallo ! I come from Germany and I´m very happy to found this side, because I´m very interesting in the Romanov case.

I have one question: Did you ever heard anything about Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit, who claimes to be the Granddaughter of Olga Romanov ? Please check this facebook side and tell me, what you think about it ! Thank you very much indead !

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 08:55:30 AM »
So she claims that her maternal grandmother Marta Funka really was Olga Romanova. She says that the name Funka is Czech, but Funka is also a Kashubian village somewhat south of the haunts of Franziska Schanzkowska. Coïncidence? By her own logic this is probably good enough proof that her grandmother was the sister of the Anastasia! LOL.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 09:09:20 AM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)


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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 10:40:14 AM »
So she claims that her maternal grandmother Marta Funka really was Olga Romanova. She says that the name Funka is Czech, but Funka is also a Kashubian village somewhat south of the haunts of Franziska Schanzkowska. Coïncidence? By her own logic this is probably good enough proof that her grandmother was the sister of the Anastasia! LOL.

What a stupid insolent answer. Where am I ? On a comedy page???

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2014, 11:00:15 AM »
You are someplace where people understand the science of DNA and understand the fact that nobody survived the murders in the Ipatiev House basement.  People here tend to be derisive of the genuinely ludicrous claims that any Romanov survived, since we now understand and know that the remains of every single person have been found and identified.

None of the insane survivor/imposter stories are ever taken seriously here as a result.


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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2014, 11:16:19 AM »
You are someplace where people understand the science of DNA and understand the fact that nobody survived the murders in the Ipatiev House basement.  People here tend to be derisive of the genuinely ludicrous claims that any Romanov survived, since we now understand and know that the remains of every single person have been found and identified.

None of the insane survivor/imposter stories are ever taken seriously here as a result.

Alright ..... I think I am completely wrong here. Sorry if I have wasted your time ! 

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2014, 11:43:18 AM »
No need to apologize.  Probably more a waste of your time than ours.

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2014, 03:16:35 PM »
Not that the FA didn't already make the point loud & clear but having your first post on this site be about some sort of ridiculous survivor claim is unwise. You have to expect the sort of sarcasm offered up by people like Превед in response to this. I encourage you to look into the facts of the case. Big Foot's existence is more likely than any of the Romanovs having survived execution.

If sometimes people may come off a bit testy when this topic is brought up, appreciate for a moment the countless number of cooks who have visited the AP through the years and attempted to convince forum members of their claims. This is a serious history forum filled with people passionate about the Romanovs & Imperial Russia.
Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right...

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2014, 05:07:56 PM »
Yes, FA and edubs, the claimants section is where we go to get a good laugh, isn't it! (And to feel and act like royals, i.e. vaaaastly superior to these vilain peasants who dare challenge us :-)

Even though I would have loved to see the granddaughter of Olga Romanova married to a Norwegian (Odd Jordtveit)! Just the kind of fun complication we need in the current freeze-down in Norwegian-Russian relations. (Not even mentioning the reported Russian submarine off the Swedish coast. I'm sure Mrs. Geiger-Jordtveit would tell us its on its way to Jordtveit (a farm on the Norwegian south coast) to muddy the waters even more!)

Fake claimants and pretenders, Romanov or otherwise, are always such good fun. I've just watched a Norwegian-Swedish talk show ("Skavlan"), where Pamela Anderson was a guest. She claimed that she had just been knighted, as a "Grand Dame of Montenegro" and was from now on "Lady Pamela" and "Countess of Monaco"!!!

It turns out her knighthood was bestowed by the fake pretender known as His Imperial and Royal Highness, Stephan Tchernetich / Cernetic, Hereditary Prince of Montenegro, Serbia, and Albania, Voivodina, Hereditary Titular Emperor of Constantinople, Romania and Greece. Just like Mrs. Geiger-Jordtveit, his "realm" is facebook:
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 05:40:13 PM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2014, 05:52:18 PM »
Even though I would have loved to see the granddaughter of Olga Romanova married to a Norwegian (Odd Jordtveit)! Just the kind of fun complication we need in the current freeze-down in Norwegian-Russian relations. (Not even mentioning the reported Russian submarine off the Swedish coast. I'm sure Mrs. Geiger-Jordtveit would tell us its on its way to Jordtveit (a farm on the Norwegian south coast) to muddy the waters even more!)

OMG, considering that she, according to Norwegian tax registers, lives in Homborsund outside Grimstad, I suppose the Russian submarine last seen in the Archipelago of Stockholm is coming for her!!! But for what send her to a typical Romanov fate in Siberia or to marry her to Putin in order to add legitimacy to his reign?

More irrational proof of Mrs. Geiger-Jordtveit's Romanov descent: As she is a psychic medium communicating with angels (see, she must be distantly related to Princess Märtha Louise of Norway, who claims she can speak with the dead. (As we know, the "gift" of clairvoyance is often heritable. Prince Märtha Louise claims she got it from her second cousin once removed Grand Duchess Josephine of Luxembourg and among ordinary Norwegians the claim is often it's from ancestors who were Sami, a people with shamanistic traditions. And consider that the Sami are Finno-Ugric just like many Russians (genetically).....further proof?

 Let's keep it in the family and let Princess Märtha Louise ask Olga Nicholayevna if Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit is her granddaughter!
« Last Edit: October 24, 2014, 06:20:20 PM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2014, 06:30:57 PM »
And don't forget the Wagnerian quality to her drama! (After all the publisher of her book Bin ich die Urenkelin des letzten Zaren Nikolaus II. Romanov? is called Wagner.) She lives just north of the place where Wagner was inspired to the opera The Flying Dutchman when he was forced to seek port of refuge on a voyage from Riga (then in the Russian Empire!!!) to London. Soon we will have a new one: Abducted in a Yellow Golden Tsarist Submarine!
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2014, 02:06:16 AM »
or to marry her to Putin in order to add legitimacy to his reign

Don't give him any ideas!
Cats: You just gotta love them!


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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2014, 12:34:36 PM »

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Re: Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2014, 05:30:08 PM »
What a stupid insolent answer.

Not as insolent as the claim that somebody canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a passion bearer was not really martyred at all! Annatala Geiger-Jordtveit is not only a lunatic, but a heretic denying the teachings of the Church, just like her alleged fourth cousin Princess Märtha Louise, who elevates herself to divine status, claiming she can communicate with the dead!
« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 05:38:01 PM by Превед »
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(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)