A funny story about Helen Vladmirovna of Russia-Greece and Prince Philip from Hessian Tapestry, page 358- I'm not sure of the year, but this was when Helen was older, after Marina married the Duke of Kent. At an evening party, Prince Philip, not sure how old he was at the time, but a young man, saw Helen's bare back in a evening gown and pressed an ice cold rim of a champagne glass against it as a prank. She was alarmed, but by the time she turned to see who it was who had done that, he had disapeared. So she accused everyone nearby and they vainly pleaded innocence- it says she was pretty outraged. As David Duff says '' In her young days, ladies' bare backs had been severely left alone at evening entertainments at Tsarskoe Selo''. This story was originally from Alexandra of Yugoslavia's memoirs.