Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families
Help with Prince Sergei Borisovich Stcherbatov (or Scherbatow or Scherbatoff)
Hi! I am hoping that some of you who are much more adept at the various spellings of Russian names may be able to help me. I am trying to find information on Prince Sergei Borisovich Scherbatoff. All that I know is that he was born on 21 Jan 1870 in St. Petersburg and that he died on 31 May 1919 at Kharkov. Having been trying to trace Russian family members for a year now, I realize that even those dates could be wrong. :) To die on that date was he fighting or executed/murdered?
I have his wife as Elizaveta Sergyevna de Plaoutine (1875 - 1921).
I have their children as:
Boris (17 Oct 1897-1921)
Elizabeth (05 Nov 1898 - ?)
Marie (05 Jan 1900 - ?)
Irena (02 Sep 1901 - 1921)
Dimitri (1903-1981)
Tatiana (1905 - 01 Apr 2000)
If anyone can add to this, particularly where and how Prince Sergei died or info on the two daughters, Elizabeth and Marie, I would be very grateful! Also, does anyone know what Prince Sergei's profession was? Thanks!
Shamelessly bumping this post in the hopes that someone can help me. :-[
I seem to remember reading that Prince Sergei was one of five brothers. Does anyone know anything about his family? Also, I have a note saying that his wife, Lily Plaoutine, was shot at Smolensk with two of her children and an old aunt of her husband's. It appears that the Aunt's name might be "Maria" or "Mania"?
If anyone has anything to add here or suggestions as to how I could find some information, I would be very appreciative. Thanks!
--- Quote from: BingandNelsonFan on February 13, 2015, 03:33:47 PM ---Shamelessly bumping this post in the hopes that someone can help me. :-[
I seem to remember reading that Prince Sergei was one of five brothers. Does anyone know anything about his family? Also, I have a note saying that his wife, Lily Plaoutine, was shot at Smolensk with two of her children and an old aunt of her husband's. It appears that the Aunt's name might be "Maria" or "Mania"?
If anyone has anything to add here or suggestions as to how I could find some information, I would be very appreciative. Thanks!
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Here is a Russian site with extracts from a memoir written by Prince Sergey Borisovich's nephew Alexey Shcherbatov which describe the events you mention: http://magazines.russ.ru/nj/2003/233/sherbat.html
You get a pretty good translation with Google Translate.
The family name is traditonally spelled Scherbatoff or Scherbatow in the West, nowadays transliterated as Shcherbatov in English. In Russian it's Щербатов.
--- Quote from: BingandNelsonFan on February 13, 2015, 03:33:47 PM ---I seem to remember reading that Prince Sergei was one of five brothers.
--- End quote ---
Yes, see here: http://ru.rodovid.org/wk/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8C:290108
Four brothers (Nikolay, Pavel, Boris and Mikhail) and one sister: Anna. The memorialist mentioned above must have been the son of Pavel.
So the ones assasinated in Smolensk were:
- Prince Sergey Borisovich Shcherbatov.
- His wife Princess Yelisaveta ' Lily' Sergeyevna Shcherbatova née Plautina
- Their children Princess Irina Sergeyevna Shcherbatova (17 years) and Prince Dmitry Sergeyevich Shcherbatov (14 years).
- Princess Khovanskaya (Хованская), probably the aunt of Prince Alexey Pavlovich Shcherbatov.
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