Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families

Colonel Bernard Ernest Jule de Koetteritz (Russian Imperial Guard)

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--- Quote from: BingandNelsonFan on March 10, 2017, 06:29:34 AM ---I have a photo of him, and he is wearing a couple medals (though he is not in a uniform). Does anyone recognize any of these?

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They are graduation badges, not medals. The upper one: most probably, Alexeyevskoe Officer School, Moscow. The lower one (Maltese cross): Corps of Pages, St. Petersburg.

Another possibility for the upper badge: Regimental badge of 13th Life-Grenadier Erivan regiment.


--- Quote from: Превед on March 11, 2017, 02:45:44 PM ---
I doubt Yulevich / Julevitch / Юльевич is a matronymic. Much more likely it's a patronymic from Julius (German) / Jules (French) / Юлий / Yuliy (Russian). Doesn't necessarily have to be from a biological father, but possibly from an (Orthodox) godfather.

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You are absolutely right Preved!  After relooking at the "original spelling" in Russian, it is masculine/2nd declension.
My apologies!  v/r  JGP


--- Quote from: Mike on March 12, 2017, 03:16:44 AM ---Another possibility for the upper badge: Regimental badge of 13th Life-Grenadier Erivan regiment.

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Thanks a lot! That's something to go on. This gent is just so elusive . . . but I can't help wanting to find out more about him. :)


--- Quote from: JWK on March 08, 2017, 12:54:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: BingandNelsonFan on March 07, 2017, 09:56:11 AM ---Here is a marriage record for Otto and Clara. I'm hoping that someone may be able to translate this, as it may offer some more clues.

To see the image at full size, you can use this link:

Thanks for any help!

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There's no mention of a Clara in this clip?

From what I think I can read (do you have the pic in higher resolution, or the original url?) it's about Otto Adolph von Koetteritz, lieutenant of the Royal (Prussian?) army in the artillery guards, son of (Jonas??) Ernst Julius von Koetteritz, Chief lieutenant in the Imperial Russian Army, and Juliane Eleonore Montflarin.
Age 35 years and 1 month

--- End quote ---

Just saw this particular reply, so I'm sorry to be late in answering it. Here is a link that should show the clip larger:

My father works with someone from Western Germany, and she and her mother say that this piece was written in the Eastern parts and seems to have some Polish characters in it.

I've also found an entry for my Bernard de Koetteritz in the England Probate Calendars. It does give the name of his heir as "Valerian Ketteritz", a nephew in Russia. Maybe this is a clue? So far, I can't turn up anything on Valerian, but here's the probate listing:

Ketteritz, Bernard Julievitch
Personal Estate 461 pounds 18 shillings 5d.
20 May. Administration of the Personal Estate of Bernard Julievitch Ketteritz late of Florence in Italy a retired Colonel from the Russian Army a Widower who died 26 April 1888 at Florence was granted at the Principal Registery under the usual Limitations to James Curtis Leman of 51 Lincoln's-Inn-Fields in the County of Middlesex Solicitor the lawful Attorney of Valerian Ketteritz the Nephew and one of the Next of Kin now residing in Russia.

Thanks so much to everyone for their help!


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