Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families

Colonel Bernard Ernest Jule de Koetteritz (Russian Imperial Guard)

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Hello, again! I'm working on this some more and trying to sort out this family in hopes of discovering more about Bernard de Koetteritz.

I think it's still promising for the birth record above, because it seems like there might be a little confusion between the children of General Bernard von Koetteritz and Juliane Eleonore Montferrin. They had another son, Otto Adolph Von Koettertiz. He married Clara Vogel in 1835, and I think that he will have married Emily Dorothea Hoepner as a second wife later.

Here is a marriage record for Otto and Clara. I'm hoping that someone may be able to translate this, as it may offer some more clues.

To see the image at full size, you can use this link:

Thanks for any help!


--- Quote from: BingandNelsonFan on December 30, 2014, 02:41:55 PM ---I am trying to find any info on Colonel de Kotteritz of the Russian Imperial Guard. A year or two ago some people were kind enough on this forum to try to help me with this, but Col. de Koetteritz turned out to be very elusive. I have since found a couple more facts that may help, so I'm hoping that someone else may be able to turn up additional info or comments.

From what I can find, it appears that he was born "Bernhard von Koetteritz" on 21 Feb 1807.
He was baptized on 09 Mar 1807 at Brandenburg (Havel), Brandenburg, Preußen, Germany.
His parents are listed as "Von Koetteritz" and Juliane Montferin.
He had an older sister, Julie Caroline, who was born on 22 Dec 1804 and baptized at the same place as above on 22 Jan 1805.

The peerage lists Colonel de Koetteritz as the son of General de Koetteritz of Leipzig, Brandenburg, Germany.

Many thanks to anyone who can shed any light on this one!

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I don't know if this will help you or not but I found the following with different birth date AND listing a death date... 

Кёттериц / Koetteritz, фон Бернард Юльевич, 9.2.1806 – 26.4.1888
Kёtterits / Koetteritz, Bernard von Yul'evich, 1806/02/09 - 1888/04/26

Source:  http://www.v-ivanov.it/files/4/4_arhivRusIt8.pdf

Kind regards, JGP


--- Quote from: JGP on March 07, 2017, 04:07:21 PM ---I don't know if this will help you or not but I found the following with different birth date AND listing a death date... 

Кёттериц / Koetteritz, фон Бернард Юльевич, 9.2.1806 – 26.4.1888
Kёtterits / Koetteritz, Bernard von Yul'evich, 1806/02/09 - 1888/04/26

Source:  http://www.v-ivanov.it/files/4/4_arhivRusIt8.pdf

Kind regards, JGP

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Thanks very much for this! That's a great help. Can you tell me why he is listed in this document? It seems to have a lot of people in the list with him.



--- Quote from: BingandNelsonFan on March 07, 2017, 09:56:11 AM ---Here is a marriage record for Otto and Clara. I'm hoping that someone may be able to translate this, as it may offer some more clues.

To see the image at full size, you can use this link:

Thanks for any help!

--- End quote ---

There's no mention of a Clara in this clip?

From what I think I can read (do you have the pic in higher resolution, or the original url?) it's about Otto Adolph von Koetteritz, lieutenant of the Royal (Prussian?) army in the artillery guards, son of (Jonas??) Ernst Julius von Koetteritz, Chief lieutenant in the Imperial Russian Army, and Juliane Eleonore Montflarin.
Age 35 years and 1 month


--- Quote from: BingandNelsonFan on March 08, 2017, 06:31:01 AM ---
--- Quote from: JGP on March 07, 2017, 04:07:21 PM ---I don't know if this will help you or not but I found the following with different birth date AND listing a death date... 

Кёттериц / Koetteritz, фон Бернард Юльевич, 9.2.1806 – 26.4.1888
Kёtterits / Koetteritz, Bernard von Yul'evich, 1806/02/09 - 1888/04/26

Source:  http://www.v-ivanov.it/files/4/4_arhivRusIt8.pdf

--- End quote ---

Thanks very much for this! That's a great help. Can you tell me why he is listed in this document? It seems to have a lot of people in the list with him.


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Sarah, It is a list of people (and their grave site registrations) buried at the Cimitero degli Allori, Cimitero Evangelico degli Allori  (English: The Evangelical Cemetery of Laurels), which is located in Florence, Italy.  The small cemetery was opened on 26 February 1860 when the non-Catholic communities of Florence could no longer bury their dead in the English Cemetery in Piazzale Donatello.   As he and his wife lived in Florence, it would make sense that he is buried there.  Hope that helps!  Kind regards, JGP


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