Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families

Photos of the Plaoutine and Denissieff Families (Plautin & Denisiev)

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Hello! I had started a thread about the Plaoutine family in this board almost two years ago, and many of you have been very helpful (even as recently as last week!) in helping me sort the family tree out and find missing dates and names. I have just recently found a small book that was published in the early 1990s. It was written by the daughter of Serge Denissieff and Vera Plaoutine. I am using the spelling as written by the families in English, though the names are seen in the Russian records as "Plautin" and "Denisiev".

The book included some photographs of the family, which I am going to post here in hopes that others will not only enjoy them, but that they may be able to supply any other info about the individuals pictured or their ranks, stations or just anything that might be shown! :) It may take a couple of days for me to get them all up here, and due to the size of the scans, I am going to put each one (or groups for a few of them) in a reply here of their own. I will start with two fun ones!

This first picture (c. 1920) shows Serge and Eleanor Plaoutine (nee Pringle) sitting on the balcony of their flat in Nice, France. Serge is the son of Gen. Nikolai Fedorovich Plaoutine (d. 1866). He served as A.D.C. to the Tsar. Eleanor was the second daughter of Col. John Henry Pringle and Georgiana Ramsbottom.

This second picture shows the Chateau St. Laurent (c. 1920) --- the Plaoutines rented the second story. If you're American, then it is actually the "third" story, as we call the basement the "ground floor".

To see some present-day photos of the Chateau St. Laurent, just check out this link: http://www.oliverstravels.com/france/languedoc/chateau-st-laurent/
More photos coming soon!

These next two photos show the Plaoutine family --- being Serge and Eleanor Plaoutine with their two children. Here is a quick list of the family and their dates, just to help everybody keep the different people straight. ;) The names in bold are the people shown in the photos.

Sergei Nikolaevich "Serge" Plaoutine (1837-1926) married Eleanor Pringle (1843-1924). Their children were:
1.) Nikolai "Nicholas" Sergeyevitch Plaoutine (1868-1918) married Maria Mikhailovna Raevskaya (1872-1942)
2.) Vera Sergeyevna Plaoutine (1869-1917) married Sergey Fedorovich "Serge" Denissieff (1869-1928)
3.) Michael Sergeevich "Mischa" Plaoutine (1873-1918) married Selina Rogers Woodhouse (1873-1951)
4.) Elizaveta Sergeyevna "Lily" Plaoutine (1875-1921) married Prince Sergei Borisovich Stcherbatov (1870-1919)

This first photo shows the family in Russia in 1888. Standing from left to right: Vera, Serge and Michael.
Seated from left to right: Nicholas, Lily and Eleanor.

This photo shows the family c. 1893-1894. Standing in back from left to right: Eleanor, Nicholas and Michael.
Seated in front from left to right: Vera, Serge and Lily.

More coming tomorrow! There's a grand photo of Nicholas in his full Cossack uniform (on his horse) and one showing is Cossacks during the Russian-Japanese War.

Here are two photographs of Nikolai Sergeyevitch "Nicholas" Plaoutine. He was the oldest son of Serge and Eleanor Plaoutine. He was born in Nice, France on 02 Feb 1868. So far, I believe that he died on 31 Oct 1918 in Krasnoslav, Poland. From what I can find, I think that he died fighting. If anyone has more info on that I would be interested. :)

The images are coming in rather large, so just right-click on them and press "view image" to see the image sized in your screen.

I don't know very much about Nicholas Plaoutine, so if anyone can figure out more through these photographs, then I would love to hear it. I have notes that he was a Colonel and commander of various Cavalier regiments from 1904-07 and that he was the Commander of the 2nd Brigade of the 2nd Cossack division of the Cossack Army in 1914. He was a Major General in 1914. Also have a note saying that he retired on 29 Apr 1917, so I suppose that he must have gone back to the Army when the Revolution started.

This first photo shows Nicholas mounted on his horse and dressed as a Cossack. It is undated and no clue as to what company he is commanding, so if anyone can tell from the photo . . .

This second photo is identified as Nicholas Plaoutine's Cossack Regiment c. 1905 during the Russian-Japanese War. Anyone with more info (or if there is a way to identify names for any of the men in there, particularly Nicholas!) about this regiment and their service at this time would be appreciated. I do have a slightly larger scan than posted here, so if you would like that to look at more closely, just let me know. :)

Up next is an 1872 photo showing young Nicholas and Vera Plaoutine.
For info on Nicholas see previous reply.
Vera is the second child of Serge and Eleanor Plaoutine. She was born on 05 Aug 1869 at Tsarskoe-Selo, and she died 24 May 1917 in Russia. She was married to Sergey Fedorovich "Serge" Denissieff, and they had five children.

Here are two more photos of Vera Plaoutine (daughter of Serge and Eleanor).
This first one appears to have been taken in the early 1890s. According to Vera's daughter, Mariamne, Vera was very fond of dogs and always had quite a lot of them.

This next one is just a small photo that looks like it was taken sometime in the 20th Century (she died in 1917). So, I would guess that she had already married Serge Denissieff when she posed for this photo.


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