Thanks for the pictures!
Sergey Fedorovich Denisiev lived with Vera Sergeevna at Millionnaya street,25 from 1899 to 1914.In 1897-1898 Vera was the owner of the house at Ligovskii prospect,25,
then she was owner of the house at Most Podyacheskaya,22.In 1915-1916 they lived at Lopukhinskaya street,3-5(Vera was also house-owner).In 1917 they lived at Apothecary lane,12 and Vera was the owner of the house at Ekateringofskii prospect,22.There is no information in 1918-1924.In 1925-1928 Sergey again lived at Khalturina(Millionnaya),25.
Pr.Scherbatov Sergey Borisovich with Elizaveta Sergeevna Scherbatova(Plautina) also lived at Millionnaya,25 from 1898.Elizaveta was the owner of the house at Apothecary lane,12.In 1907 they lived at Galernaya street,23.At this time Sergey was "коллежский секретарь".In 1911 they lived at embankment of Moika,112.In 1917 there is information about Elizaveta-she lived at Millionnaya,25 and was house-owner(Kabinetskaya street,17).
Plautin Michail Sergeevich lived with Selina Georgievna at Millionnaya,25.He was house-owner at 9 th Rozhdestvenskaya street 26-32.
Plautin Sergey Nikolaevich lived at Millionnaya,25(house-owner)and also was the owner of the house at Moshkov lane,25.
Plautine Nikolai Sergeevich lived in Tsarskoye Selo,Moscow street,5.
In 1899 Plautin family lived in the estate "Бялка" in Krasnostav,Lublin province(Люблинская губерния).Before the revolution this area was part of Russia.
I don't know anything else about children of Sergey and Vera.