2 US officials discussing WW I commemorative stamps:
Official 1: President Wilson is a must after all he won the war and passed a lot of progressive legislation.
Official 2: I should point out was not a great war leader or foreign policy president. He was somewhat of a racist and he sent US troops into Mexico in 1916 which the Mexicans are still "upset" over and he sent the marines into Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Continued the intervention in Nicaragua. and made the US part of the intervention in Russia. So I would say he is not popular with them either.
Official 1: Well he gets good reviews from most American historians
Official 2: Most of whom are democrats
Official 1 Well General Pershing would also look good on a stamp. he looks like he stepped out of central casting and not only was he a great general but he didn't become Republican President like Grant and Eisenhower.
Official 2: True, as for most of the other figures on the US side they are not well known enough to put on a stamp. lets face it most Americans don't know much about WW I
2 French Officials discussing who to put on a WW I commemorative stamps
Official 1: Clemenceu, Foch, Joffre, D'Esperey look like possible candidates for stamps
Official 2: As for the rest they are either too obscure, too controversial, too inept, or ended up in jail.
Official 1 ; Yes, I think we will go with the 4 I picked out and maybe we might 1 or 2 more.
Official 1 It's almost impossible for us to find any major figure from WW I to put on a stamp. We lost this war and most of the leaders of Germany in WW I either come across as idiots or were Nazi supporters or sympathizers post war
Official 2: I agree.
Official 1: Forget it! none of the major leaders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire come out looking very good in WW I. Let's face it some of them weren't even Austrian
Official 2: The Empress Zita would look good on a stamp
Official 1; This is a Republic! we can't have an Empress of a former Empire on a stamp. Let's face it Franz Joesph started WW I and his successor Karl really wasn't a great leader and helped destroy his empire.
Official 2: Looks like will have to pass on this one.