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Hi! I have run across this book (and a few references to it) on GoogleBooks. It is called "From a Russian Diary, 1917-1920". The author is just listed as "an Englishwoman". Events seem to be all from the Moscow area with Smolensk. Does anybody know if it was ever discovered who was writing this book? Here's the link to the book:https://books.google.com/books?id=StNBAAAAYAAJ&pg=PR1&lpg=PR1&dq=%22From+a+Russian+Diary,+1917-1920%22&source=bl&ots=UbbBv-ODZP&sig=NsH5FTtjNabxQr0dvPSX3N9tm5k&hl=en&sa=X&ei=H2sAVa3FLYGeyATk3oCQAw&ved=0CDYQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=%22From%20a%20Russian%20Diary%2C%201917-1920%22&f=falseAlso, anyone know which "Prince Scherbatoff" is referred to here on page 173:Last night we heard of three big burglaries which had taken place the previous night. In two cases a haul of 500,000 roubles was made, in the third 1,500,000. The last was in the big house of Prince Scherbatoff, on the boulevard, which is being used by the Bolsheviks as one of their centres. The Red Guard consisted of over thirty soldiers; the robbers numbered fifteen. They said to the Red Guard: “ We need the money so as to get all of you hangedlater on!”Thanks!Sarah
Thanks! Great! Do you know which Prince Sherbatov lived there?
It was the collector Sergey Alexandrovich Shcherbatov (1875 - 1962) who built this building, which really was an apartment complex with a large mansion for the Prince. It's known as Щербатовский особняк на Новинском бульваре - the Shcherbatov Mansion on Novinskiy Boulevard.