Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families


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Does anybody know anything about Vera Cheremetiev and her life in Russia before she left and married Israel Tcherniak (Nathalie Sarraute's father) ?
Thank you,

Forum Admin:
According to her autobiographical book "L'Enfance" Vera's mother was "Alexandra Karlovna". 

There is no "Alexandra Karlovna Cheremetiev" found in the noble family line.  Given that Tcherniak was Jewish, it is unlikely that one of the "noble" Cheremetievs would have married a Jew.

There seems to be no connection to this specific family.

According to several French sources I found, her stepmother was "Véra Cheremetievski", which in Russian would be Шереметевский or Шереметьевский.
NB Countess Brassova was born Шереметьевская, so they might have been related.

According to this Russian translation of her autobiography, her step-grandmother was married to a "Федор Шереметьевский" an officer and alcoholic.

Alexandra Karlovna was the daughter of Charles Feue de la MArtinière and a russian woman ( can't find her name) and after her parents' death she was sent to the Smolny Institute.


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