Hi there (Reply to Cimbrio re morganatic marriage of Georg TIMO to Margrit Lucas.) Why is there all the Kaffuffle about equal marriages still?. Beautiful Margrit died when only 26 years old.She was a faithful wife and mother and certainly the LUCAS family had noble virtues. (Lucas means "of light" by the way) My mother (Irmgard)told me that when she was little, their father Karl gave them small packages of food to hide in specific places in the forest for Jewish people to pick up. Certainly,had Margrit lived, she would have been accepted as a princess. (Note that currently Mary Princess of Denmark though morganatically married has rightly had a title conferred on her.) In my most humble and politically ignorant place I must say that if a Prince finds a woman worthy of marrying then surely, that woman at his side, is worthy of title? Margrit was of noble character. Certainly Rudiger is of true blood line and should in my opinion regardless of any history still hold the "next in line position" for the fact of being born to the last successor. There are those of you who say well he has a "chequered past". I would say to that...there are few people on the planet that have the right to cast stones and I still hold hope that this family (part of my own) will shine as they recover those things that have been previously ripped from them. I am thinking about if my mum died when I was so young and I lost my father too through grief and depression and then finding out that my family in fact had to flee for their life. I also believe that power and finance are not given for personal prestige and glory but for doing good. Wait...their story is not finished yet... bless ya