Four blocks and part of the filling between them are preserved in situ. Two corner blocks south-western end have been fastened wrought iron staple length of 23 cm with a square cross section 2 x 2 cm Roll-formed at right angles to the ends of the staples were inserted in a specially carved into rounded blocks enhance diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 4 cm Judging by similar openings in the Eastern bloc, in the same manner were stitched and blocks the north-east end installations. The space between the blocks filled with debris of bricks, and filled with lime mortar. At one of the brick rubble traces letters labeling.
The stone blocks and zabutovka on lime mortar between them were laid on a relatively regular brickwork in lime mortar (Fig. 5, a plan 2). In the clutch, except for two integers, use large pieces of brick. One of the bricks on the entire north-eastern end of construction was located over the remains of a wooden chopping block width 11 cm, leaves in a northeasterly direction to the grave 52. At one of the brick rubble found the remains of labeling in the form of a letter E.
The brickwork was laid on the laying of rubble limestone slabs of various sizes and shapes, bonded with lime mortar. North-western part of the masonry was damaged when stubbing. Laying of bricks and tiles to match the size and orientation (Fig. 5, Plan 3) and include the time of reconstruction of the cemetery in the years 1874-1882.
Clear lower layer is also built of different sizes Putilov plates, only partially coincide with the boundaries of the three upper layers of the structure. The bulk of this building was located almost on the horizon of 1 m to the west and south of the overlying layers of brick and limestone. In its orientation there is a significant deviation to the north-west orientation of the gravestones of the cemetery renovation period (Fig. 5: Wed plans 3 and 4). This important observation, together with other direct and indirect data indicates a change in the reconstruction of the original general orientation of the cemetery gravestones, as well as the layout of the cemetery.
Under the slab of the third layer was opened layer, consisting of fragments of relatively thin slabs of medium size, length does not exceed 35 cm These plates were located only in the south-western half of gravestones. It is obvious that with their help aligns the horizontal plates of the third layer, built in this part of the two layers (Fig. 5: Wed plans 4 and 5).
The fourth layer is composed mainly of large fragments of plates, was also intended as the third and practically not been violated when stubbing (Fig. 5, plan 6). At the base of the north-eastern part of the construction horizon recorded 3 granite boulder with a diameter of 20 cm, relating to the fifth layer (Fig. 5: Wed plans 6 and 7). Carefully arranged large plates (up to 0,5 m) of the fifth layer adhered to the above stones. On the southwestern end of recorded fragments of tiles and stones of smaller size (Fig. 5, level 7).
Below the fifth was placed sixth layer, and a neatly folded from large limestone blocks (Fig. 5, Plan

. In the south-western and north-eastern ends of the buildings are fragments of tiles and stones of smaller size, lying, as it turned out, the face parts of two wooden block, positions along the grave with a small offset to the south-east of its central axis. At this level the first time managed to trace the boundaries of the burial pits except in the disturbed northern corner and part of the south-eastern wall. Along the walls of the pit occasionally stones were small. After dismantling of the sixth layer was opened on the lowest structural part of gravestones provided by two longitudinal block, lying crosswise on two of the same cross block. The ends of the transverse scaffold were placed in a specially dug for them, 4-step niche in the north-western and south-eastern edges of the hole (Fig. 5, Plan 9). The space between the longitudinal block, particularly in places where they intersect with the transverse, was filled with fragments of slabs to align a flat surface for the plates of the sixth layer. Stones and fragments of plates were placed in several locations under both longitudinal and a transverse block. On the upper surface of the longitudinal block, located closer to the north-western edge of the grave was discovered 5 round-penetrating holes with a diameter of 3 cm, clearly intended for wooden studs. This points to re-use of this block, probably taken when disassembling a building. The second longitudinal block, rectangular in cross section, apparently also used a second time. Knotty rounded in cross-section diameter of 16-19 cm transverse chopping block had no visible signs of handling and is the main element of the bearing structure (Fig. 5, Plan 9). The length of the longitudinal scaffold - 2,60-2,65 m, the width of the north-western chopping block - 25-30 cm, south-east - 16-17 cm, thickness of both about 15 cm total length of the transverse scaffold, peaked within the excavation 2 25 and 2.55 pm, remained unknown, because their ends left in the south-eastern edge of excavation, partially under construction gravestones graves 65.
A rectangular grave pit size of 2,95 x 1,70-1,80 m had a rough south-eastern wall of the niche and 4-step for mounting the block overlap (Fig. 5, Plan 10). The surviving better than any other niche of the western corner of the grave was rectangular in form measuring 33 x 25 cm Nishi was admitted to the level of the buried soil to a depth of 0.5 m. The depth of the burial pits of the level of the buried soil was about 1.1 m. The pit is filled with yellow mainland-blue clay, which rarely met stones (Fig. 5, 11).
At the bottom of the pit lay the skeleton of a horse on the left side, head to the NE, face the east. The front legs bent at the knees horse almost at a right angle, rear extended. Horse skull was 30 cm higher than the lower pelvic bones (Fig. 5, Plan 10; Fig. 6). The bottom of the burial pits in the south-western part, apparently, was initially slightly deepened to accommodate more voluminous posterior half of the horse.
No accompanying equipment or items reins at the burial of horses were found.