Author Topic: Czar Nicholas 11 and his son Alexi  (Read 3576 times)

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Royal Bloodline Descent

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Czar Nicholas 11 and his son Alexi
« on: August 08, 2016, 04:04:59 PM »
There has been many a member of who has written comments and questions about Czar Nicolas 11 and his family some from younger generation and others of an older generation.  The question range from what the Romanov girls wore to who was the missing female remains found with the remains of the boy. The experts   say it was Maria others suggest it was Anastasia.  It really does not matter as the count of remains found are the same as the Romanov Royals lost in the action of them been murdered.

I am the contributor and co-author of a web page called Royal Bloodline Descent on Facebook. such royal pages show some of three royal families who shared the same ancestor and the shared DNA gene that tied them together with visible markers from birth. For many of the followers of Czar Nichols 11 and family its is a sad story and not of how Royal Bloodline has put the facts together.

To give the followers an insight of the rare visible same ancestor gene was inherited by a few but not all of the related decedents of three dynasties . RBC will quote certain geneticist who have supplied the following information, where others will deny because they do not want know the truth or they did not know as it may change their standing in their chosen profession . The following below are quotes of biologist/ geneticist .

My question to them was, D_____  am I correct if Czar Nicholas 11 had inherited the same visible DNA marker from birth as some other royals,and his DNA sequence  show a mutation as noted, would or should others with the same inherited markings show the same DNA sequences as he did ? his reply was a qualified YES.

He goes on to say

The DNA sequences examined bear no direct relation to physical features , but they can show kinship, so a DNA match between your DNA match and that of the others of that line you are probably descended from would clinch the case.  That is just one Geneticist opinion but it shows probable kinship to others .

Another well known geneticist advised the writer, what I and the others show they have inherited (markers) in his opinion are what is called a complex family inheritance.  I am not a royal but I too inherited  the same from my German ancestors.  Because of what has been mentioned there is a DNA visible marker of Nicholas 11 and others that show a kinship to other royals who inherited the same.


Royal Bloodline Descent  on Facebook
