good automated translators you can find on many sites today, including google, with following sites, you can use URL type of translation and good language coverage including from/to Russian:
I am not sure how good these translators are. I am already familiar with altavista. I tried a brief passage from my opera libretto. I find the results confusing at best. Here is my experiment.
Here's the original:
Совсем не так дорогая!
Мужик должен думать, что Вы Ирина.
Это наша приманка для него.
Не подведи!
Смейся как настоящая великая княжна!
Here's how altavista translated it:
Entirely so not expensive!
Peasant must think that you Irina.
This is our bait for it.
Do not bring!
Laugh as real great princess!
Here's how online-translator handled the passage:
At all so dear!
The muzhik should think, that Vy Irina.
It is our bait for it.
Do not bring!
Be dared as present great княжна!
And here is a human translation of the same passage:
Not at all like that, darling!
The peasant must think you are Irina.
That’s how we lurred him to come here.
So don’t spoil it for us!
Laugh like a “real” grand-duchess!