Author Topic: The Ghosts in the Gardens  (Read 20977 times)

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Re: The Ghosts in the Gardens
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2007, 04:53:02 AM »
You are, of course, correct in your sleuthing. There has even been a suggestion that the two ladies wandered into a fancy dress party being given by a French poet and dandy of the time called Count Robert de Montesquieu. He was certainly in the habit of giving such parties. However, an ordinary 'open' day at Versailles seems an unlikely choice for such an event and recent research indicates that at the time in question de Montesquieu was in the South of France.

These "time warps", as they are often called, are rare and rarely reported because of the embarrassment and ridicule to which those who claim to experience them are exposed. When, again many years ago, I was among the dinner guests of a work colleague one Christmas, the subject of the Ghosts of Versailles came up in conversation. I told the dinner table what I had read and was roundly jeered. My colleague's husband, who had sat in silence for most of the meal (he was a brilliant physicist who rarely spoke to others because he found their remarks so unbearably trivial, I was later told), suddenly became animated. He said that he found the story not only likely but possibly true. He then proceeded to stun everyone with a long lecture which involved theoretical mathematics, particles, parallel universe theory  -  the entire (to me) mind-numbing works. The party broke up soon afterwards  -  which may have been is intention all along  -  and subsequently his marriage. His wife re-married a man of a more sociable nature and earthier attitudes. 


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Re: The Ghosts in the Gardens
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2007, 08:32:14 AM »
U.S Army General George Patton, relieved many such similar experirences including battles of the American civil War.
Nothing should surprise us!
More of a case of time becoming warped somehow!


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Re: The Ghosts in the Gardens
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2007, 09:02:26 AM »
I give, for what its worth, another story told to me by the person to whom it apparently happened. In the early 1960s he was being employed to examine the archives of a theatre in Lincolnshire, UK which was scheduled for demolition. Most of the fixtures and fittings had already been removed  -  including the theatre's electrical generator. He had only oil lamps for illumination. One dark evening he ran out of cigarettes and made his way with the help of a torch from the dressing room area, across the stage and into the auditorium. As he approached the baize doors which led through to the foyer (which was reached down a flight of steps), he noticed a light shining under the doors. Thinking the night watchman was probably there, he switched of his torch and went through the doors. Ahead of him the foyer was completely lit up. A long coconut mat ran down the stairs in front of him, across the parquet floor and up a further flight of steps which led to the exit. In the ticket office, which was empty, he saw tickets and what appeared to be programmes piled up. There were posters and pictures on the walls and, on either side of the matting, cane/bamboo chairs and tables on which were spread magazines.

According to his story he walked the full length of the foyer, turned, walked back again, turned and walked through a third time  -  finally pushing open the front door and emerging into the street. He then took to his heels and spent the night on a friend's sofa.

On visiting the theatre the following day, he found (as he knew he would) that the foyer was totally gutted and empty  -  no furniture, no posters, no ticket office, no parquet floor, only dusty floorboards. When he questioned the current owner of the theatre as to whether or not there had ever been a parquet floor in the foyer, he was told that there had been between 1922 and 1924. It had not been a success for one reason or another and had been replaced with polished floorboards.

I never had any particular reason to doubt the truthfulness of this person  -  and I must add that he did not take drugs and was abstemious with alcohol. Make of this what you will.


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Re: The Ghosts in the Gardens
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2007, 01:48:34 AM »
Interesting! Warps in time may be explained by Quantum Physics."..Q.uantum objects can exist in multiple states and places at the same time, requiring a mastery of statistics to describe them. This is from New Scientist... " and I too have heard Stories from Credible People. I live with an open mind on the Subject.
The above Story I mentioned was related to me by an Author about a Civil War Site. A Historical non-fiction Author. If he had related that Story among the Academic Community his  Books wouldn't be worth a nickel now! But then Romantic Fiction and everything else was Brown bagged when I worked on my Degree in History.  ;)  Are you familiar with this one ?  Although he didn't enter into the scene he saw it!......

Anne Boleyn, the most celebrated of the wives of Henry VIII was beheaded on Tower Green in 1536. Her ghost has frequently been seen both on the Green and more spectacularly in the Chapel Royal situated in the White Tower. It was in the Chapel that a Captain of the Guard saw a light burning in the locked Chapel late at night. Finding a ladder, he was able to look down on the strange scene being enacted within. A nineteenth century account described it thus:

Slowly down the aisle moved a stately procession of Knights and Ladies, attired in ancient costumes; and in front walked an elegant female whose face was averted from him, but whose figure greatly resembled the one he had seen in reputed portraits of Anne Boleyn. After having repeatedly paced the chapel, the entire procession together with the light disappeared. (excerpt from Ghostly Visitors by "Spectre Stricken", London 1882.)


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Re: The Ghosts in the Gardens
« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2016, 05:10:44 AM »
I've heard of this incident.  I've always been fascinated by it.

The ghost of former Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King supposedly haunts his estate of Kingsmere, located north of Ottawa.  Some have claimed to have seen, and even talked to him.
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