Author Topic: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892  (Read 8703 times)

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Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« on: January 18, 2017, 06:36:25 PM »
I am wondering if anyone has information regarding Olga D(olgououky) mentioned Nicholas's diary entry of April 1, 1892. I am curious to know who she was.

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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2017, 07:10:19 PM »
Lady in Waiting to Empress Marie Feodorovna.


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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2017, 08:56:59 PM »
Thank you, was she possibly the daughter of Maria S Benckendorff and sister to prince Vassily A Dolgorouky, or maybe princess Olga Dietrichstein born Dolgorouky? I appreciate any information you can share.

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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2017, 01:28:54 AM »
There was also Princess Olga Dolgoruky, born Shuvalov, whose husband, Alexander Dolgoruky, had a senior position at court.



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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2017, 08:17:47 PM »
Thank you for the information. I am trying to put this together as it is my family's history. My paternal great great grandmother was Maria S Dolgorouky Benckendorff. I have spent the past few years researching at Stanford, Columbia University and numerous venues in Saint Petersburg. I am so fascinated with all of the available information on this site. Thank you again for taking the time to answer my questions.

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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2017, 01:08:50 AM »
Glad to help.

Olga Shuvalov Dolgorouky's granddaughter, Sofka Dolgorouky's, wrote an autobiography called 'red Princess', and her granddaughter wrote a book about her. Just to be awkward, I can't remember the grandaughter's surname or the name of the book. Something like Sofka Vasiliev. Olga was quite a formidable lady, but needed a maid to put her stockings on!

Hope that helps



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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2017, 06:33:23 PM »
The entry I am inquiring about it is" The following year I fell very much in love with Olga D(olgorouky)" I'm confused as I thought Olga Shuvalov Dolgorouky was born in 1848, that would have made her 20 years older than Nicholas. I didn't know he was involved with an older woman. I thought it might have been her daughter. Maybe I have my dates confused?
Thank you for any clarification you can offer.

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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2017, 01:20:37 AM »
Ah, I didn't know what the entry actually said. That certainly rules Olga Shuvalov Dolgorouky out!

Apologies for confusing the issue.


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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2017, 03:37:19 PM »
The entry I am inquiring about it is" The following year I fell very much in love with Olga D(olgorouky)" I'm confused as I thought Olga Shuvalov Dolgorouky was born in 1848, that would have made her 20 years older than Nicholas. I didn't know he was involved with an older woman. I thought it might have been her daughter. Maybe I have my dates confused? Thank you for any clarification you can offer.

I am not sure I understand the entry as you posted it but I love a good mystery. 

In your original post you asked if anyone has information regarding Olga D(olgououky) (sic) mentioned in Nicholas's diary entry of April 1, 1892. The entry quoted above implies/infers that Nicholas was writing his diary retroactively as you state he wrote the "following year" in this particular entry.  Could you share the rest of the diary entry so we have some context?  Kind regards,  JGP

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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2017, 04:14:24 PM »
Thank you, was she possibly the daughter of Maria S Benckendorff and sister to prince Vassily A Dolgorouky, or maybe princess Olga Dietrichstein born Dolgorouky? I appreciate any information you can share.

Princess Olga Alexandrovna Dolgoruky was born on 27 November 1873. She was the daughter of Prince Alexander Dolgoruky. She married Hugo Alfons Eduard Emanuel Joseph Johan Wenceslaus Prinz von Dietrichstein-Nicholsburg, son of Alexander Graf von Mensdorff-Pouilly and Countess Alexandrine Marie von Dietrichstein-Nicholsburg, in 1892.  Her married name became von Dietrichstein-Nicholsburg.

Children of Princess Olga Alexandrovna Dolgoruky and Hugo Alfons Eduard Emanuel Joseph Johan Wenceslaus Prinz von Dietrichstein-Nicholsburg

Alexandrine Gräfin von Dietrichstein-Nicholsburg b. 24 Mar 1894
Olga Gräfin von Dietrichstein-Nicholsburg b. 4 Dec 1897
Alexander Albert Victor Graf von Dietrichstein-Nicholsburg b. 15 Jul 1899
Marie Epiphania Clothilde Gräfin von Dietrichstein-Nicholsburg b. 6 Jan 1901


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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2017, 04:45:29 PM »
Thank you for the clarification. I have been wondering as my great grandmother was also Princess Olga Alexandrovna Dolgorouky. "My Olga" was born in 1865, daughter of Prince Alexander V. Dolgorouky and Maria Sergueievna Dolgorouky left Russia under very suspicious circumstances in 1892-3. She was the sister of Prince Alexander Alexandrovitch  Dolgorouky and Prince Vassily Alexandrovitch Dolgorouky, Tsar Nisholas' last Chief Marshall of the Imperial Court following their step-father Count Paul Benckendorff.

I am looking for answers as to why "My Olga" (married at the time to Baron Ivan Ferdidnand de Taube and mother of three children) abruptly left Russia and her 3 children behind, fleeing to the United States. I have been working on this mystery for the past 5 years, I may never know the answer but I'll keep searching.

Thank you again for sharing your information.


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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2017, 04:56:17 PM »
I found the diary entry on this site. The Topic is Nicholas II-Early Crushes-plus Mathilde and Alix. It is Reply #17 on: March 11, 2004.
Diary entry-Gatchina (1891-1892)
If you can't locate it I will be happy to copy it for you.

Thank you.

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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #12 on: January 22, 2017, 12:03:13 AM »
Thank you for the clarification. I have been wondering as my great grandmother was also Princess Olga Alexandrovna Dolgorouky. "My Olga" was born in 1865, daughter of Prince Alexander V. Dolgorouky and Maria Sergueievna Dolgorouky left Russia under very suspicious circumstances in 1892-3. She was the sister of Prince Alexander Alexandrovitch  Dolgorouky and Prince Vassily Alexandrovitch Dolgorouky, Tsar Nisholas' last Chief Marshall of the Imperial Court following their step-father Count Paul Benckendorff.

I am looking for answers as to why "My Olga" (married at the time to Baron Ivan Ferdidnand de Taube and mother of three children) abruptly left Russia and her 3 children behind, fleeing to the United States. I have been working on this mystery for the past 5 years, I may never know the answer but I'll keep searching.

"Your Olga" died in 1961?  If that is correct, do you know where as in what city, country she died?  Were two of your Olga's children named George and Maria?  I found the diary entry you referenced; thanks!


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Re: Nicholas ll Diary entry of April 1,1892
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2017, 04:32:17 PM »
"My Olga" died in San Francisco October 18, 1928.  She is buried south of the city in Colma, California.
She had three children from her first marriage to Baron Ivan Ferdidnandovich von Taube: Elizabeth, Olga and George von Taube. She abruptly left Russia in 1892-93 arriving in New York originally then on the west coast.  She divorced von Taube in Los Angeles on May 2, 1895 and her second marriage to Leo William Zorin (arrived in New York Nov 15, 1893) was recorded on May 11, 1895. Between the years of 1896-1900 she gave birth to three daughters Alexandra, Marguerite and Annette.
Olga's mother name was Maria Dolgorouky Dolgorouky (she married her distant cousin Alexander Vasilevich Dolgorouky) Benckendorff (married Count Paul Benckendorff in Saint Petersburg, Russia in 1897). It's so complicated to get these names straight.  Please feel free to ask for more details and clarification.
Thank you for your interest and help.