People who you call raging loonie do not swear but keeps their understanding on a balanced level. that is called manners and proper upbringing. You may ask yourself who does this person think they are. I know who I am, might you.
You show a cuddly warm attitude with a protective mind to suggest to others what they should not do. I congratulate you on your fine personality.
In closing thank you for your input.
Frederic von Ebert
Yes, FA, he may be a raging looney, but I think the Childebert = Child Ebert was a rather funny, ingenious folk etymology! Notwithstanding that it seems to imply backwards descent, i.e. that the Merovingians were his children! Perhaps that's the new fashion in claimants club: Abandon the concept of linear, chronological time and claim you are Anastasia's great grandmother who travelled back = forwards in time and came to her rescue, dragging her out of that basement by her special earlobe? Or gave the Merovingians a cool hair cut and some Viagra, so that they avoided going extinct? :-)
It also baffles me why these people don't put more worth on works by Romantic poets like the above-mentioned Ludwig Tieck, who professed to be seers of mysterious things, ideas, archetypes, webs of interconnection, past, present and future. Even we rational people can agree that the Brothers Grimm knew something about the Anastasia archetype. :-)