Discussions about Other Imperial Palaces > Palaces in St. Petersburg

Yusupov Palace on the Moika

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brnbg aka: liljones1968:
some of Feliks & Irina's rooms on the ground floor of the palace.

What an amazing floorplan !!! Thanks ! It would be nice to see too a HD version of those black and white pictures  :)

Amazing floor plan indeed! thanks for sharing!

Visited a few days ago and it was fabulous! A must-see if you come to Saint Petersburg.

Only downside is the extra 350 р that must be paid (in addition to the 700 р ticket) to go down to the basement. I didn't pay this out of principle. Photos of the basement are plastered all over Google, anyway.

brnbg aka: liljones1968:
i finally finished my plan of the ground floor.   i know there are a couple of areas that are incorrect, but for lack of any information, i had to guess.

click on the image to see the larger version.
(please let me know if the link doesn't work.)


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