St. Petersburg Technical University... INQUIRY... Could you probably help me? I have a rather heavy “mark” that has belonged to an engineer who is said to have attended and examinated from your Technical University. This mark is called here as an mark of an engineer and given by your university. But is this so or could this be something else? There is no-one to ask here. He carried this “mark” on the right side of his uniform... (in one picture black and in an other white uniform). On this mark there are for example the Double-headed eagle with a crown, wreath going around the middle where there is the St. Georg fighting, eight very tiny seals (=simple coat of arms?) four of which in either side of the St. Georg, some hammer or the like etc. Its height is about 5 cm and width about 4,5 cm. He was born in 1883 so this is already ancient history. Did your university give this kind of marks to their educated students or do you have any idea what this could be? Do you have any register of the names of the students educated by your university so long ago? Any knowledge of their background? Parents? Connections to some monastery? I would be very grateful if you could help me in this matter somehow. I need finally to find some suitable place for this thing. I have no idea where in Russia send this inquiry of mine to start with and I found this mail-address of yours on you page. A problem is also that I don’t know any Russian. Thank you so much in advance for you possible co-operation and greetings...