Having read your posts here and elsewhere (and given up on the other forum because it was full of Anna Anderson supporters), I can say that the kind of questions you ask appear to the reader to suggest that you do not believe all seven of the Imperial Family are now accounted for way beyond reasonable doubt.
Maybe the excavation was not carried out very well, and numerous bones are still missing. However, you do not need to be a scientist to know that if you find three tibias in a hole in the ground they must have come from two, or possibly three, people. Enough bones were found to establish that there were nine people in the first pit and two in the second. DNA then showed the various genetic links between the Romanov bones (and presumably established also that the other four individuals were neither related to the Romanovs nor to each other). Meanwhile, DNA analysis had established, independently, that Anna Anderson was not a Romanov.
We can ask questions about the Pig's Meadow excavations, and why it is that such a high proportion of bones seem not to have been found. But that does not alter the basic facts as given above.
So endlessly harping on the topic suggests either support for imposters or an ego trip (and referring to oneself in the third person certainly suggests an ego trip).