We know the mass grave has been distrubed a number of times.
....bones removed from the grave in 1979:
I listed: "Found the box with three skulls, sacrum, glass ampoules and viles [human hair and frgments of skin], two lumbar vertebrae, kneecaps, two jaw fragments with teeth, a lower jaw, two loose teeth two vertebra from neck, a right rib bone, two metcarpal bones, a right hipbone, portion of a left shoulder bone, which had been placed in the pit in 1980 by Ryabov and Avdonin who had returned what they had found and taken out. The box was taken up and opened."
Were any of the bones from this box used for the DNA testing?
How do we know that all the bones found by Ryabov and Avodonin were returned to the mass grave in 1980?
It was apparent that when a cable was placed next to the mass grave that the bones were distrubed. How do we know that the bones dug up were not reburied elsewhere?
How many other times was the grave distrubed and by whom and did they removed any bones? If so, what happen to these bones?
How do we know that some of the 44 fragments of bones, teeth, bullets and clay jars from the mass grave are not the bones reburied in the new pits found this last July of 2007?
What happen to the bones discovered by Michael Buchannen-Smart in 2006 and 2007?