Author Topic: Romanov story  (Read 41533 times)

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Re: Romanov story
« Reply #60 on: February 10, 2018, 08:07:19 AM »
Don't forget that Czech and Russian are mutually intelligible on the same level as English and German and English and French, so there will be many similar words, even though they don't understand each other's sentences. Especially basic nouns which have to do with nature and stuff in a forest setting (osa / osʲ = axe etc.).
See this post about romantic inter-Slavic intelligibility:
« Last Edit: February 10, 2018, 08:26:10 AM by Превед »
Берёзы севера мне милы,—
Их грустный, опущённый вид,
Как речь безмолвная могилы,
Горячку сердца холодит.

(Афанасий Фет: «Ивы и берёзы», 1843 / 1856)

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Re: Romanov story
« Reply #61 on: March 01, 2018, 02:25:29 PM »
I'm sorry for not updating in a while... My grandfather passed away and it had been very complicated. I hope you enjoy this chapter

I opened my eyes in the middle of the night, frightened. Something woke me up and I couldn't identify what was it. I tried to distinguish anything in the darkness, but I was unsuccessful. I could hear Maria snoring and Dmitri breathing calmly. Outside the cave I heard an owl. A few minutes passed by and nothing strange happened. When I was decided to go back to sleep, a voice outside said:
-They are all there. In the morning we will kill them.
I was paralyzed. I feared my heart would get out of my chest. Someone touched my arm several times. I couldn't avoid screaming.
-What happened? -asked Dmitri worried- a nightmare again?
-I woke up and heard a voice saying “they're all there. In the morning we will kill them”.
-Are you sure it's not a nightmare?
-I am.
He woke Ivan, and told him what had happened. They decided it was convenient to go check outside.
-We can not leave three women alone here- said Ivan.
-You are totally right. Maybe you could take Maria with you and I'll stay here with the rest.
They woke her up and told my sister what was going on. Ivan and Maria were careful to not wake Olga when they left.
Dmitri had prepared another fire with some small logs. He sat down next to me and looked me in the eyes. He kept staring at me thinking in only God knows what. After a few minutes he said:
-Do you want to know what surprise I was preparing for when we arrive to Chusovoy?
-If it's a surprise, why would you ruin it telling me?
-Because the evil is still surrounding us, and I was always told to fight the evil with good actions.
-Then I'm willing to know.
He searched something in the pocket of his jacket. He opened his hand and showed me a big diamond. Probably it was the biggest I've ever seen. Even if my sisters and I had jewels hidden in our corsets, that diamond was far more valuable.
-With this I was hoping to buy food, a boat, some clothing and a wedding ring.
Almost everything he said made sense. My heart skipped a beat. Why a wedding ring? Was he engaged to someone and I didn't know?
-I was hoping to ask… -he paused- Maybe you think it's too fast or too precipitated, but we were apart four years. I rescued you from that bloody cellar room, and you were alive. During the years I spent at the front seeing how my friends died one by one, knowing I was fighting to keep you, and your family safe were my only solace. I dedicated you more thoughts than I did to my own mother and sisters… And I’d be incredibly happy if you accept what I'm going to ask: Tatiana Nikolaevna, would you be my wife?
His face was full of nervousness, and I could swear he was struggling to not get emotional. When I was growing up I never thought under these circumstances I would be asked to marry someone. I never imagined Papa was not going to give his blessings, because he was going to be dead by the time it’d happen. Marriage was something I never desired fervently. But there I was, I had this wonderful man in front of me asking me to spend life together. How could I say no to him?
-I would, yes. -and I fell into his arms.

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Re: Romanov story
« Reply #62 on: March 02, 2018, 05:37:21 PM »
Thanks for the new chapter.

Sorry about your grandfather.  It's never easy to lose a family member.
Cats: You just gotta love them!