I have read the book and here are some errata and comments:
page 37 Lieutenant Schmidt an officer that led a mutiny of the Black Sea Fleet which failed
page 98 Purishkevich 3 carriage train real "Hugh train very well equipped. Which has a operating car, a large Pharmacy, a library, an Officers store and kitchen for 20,000 men."
page 100 Countess Cantacuzene should be Princess
page 101 General Kolchak should be Admiral
page 138 11th Armed forces should be 11th Army this is part of the Austrian Black-Yellow Offensive see online Austria-Hungaries last War 1914-1918 Volume 3 pages 1-199 force this battle
page 174 Felix Yussopov the Elder was fired as Governor of Moscow in 1915 he was not there in 1917
page 193 General Alexeev was not replaced by General Gurko Alexeev fell ill and had to recover and Gurko was the acting chief of staff
page 134 Kovno see upcoming books on Douglas Snith's Rasputin book for what happened
page 323 3rd Rifle Regiment should be 3rd Guards Rifle regiment
page 88 General Belyaev did not become war minster until early 1917 in 1915 he was I believe assistant war Minister