I am a new member of your forum. I have just find you looking in the internet for the information about princess Dorothea Lieven. If you are interested in her biography and political activity, here you are some of her published correspondence and diaries and some books concerning her political biography as well:
Primary sources:
1. Bacourt A.M. de, Lettres de la Princesse de Lieven, “Le Corrrespondant”, religion-philosophie-politique-sciences-littérature-beaux-art, t. 172, Paris 1893 (3), nouvelle série – tome cent trente-sixième, s. 531-551.
2. Correspondence of Princess Lieven and Earl Grey, edited by Guy le Strangle, t.1, 1824-1830, t.2, 1830-1834, t. 3, 1834-1841, London 1890.
3. Geist und Herz verbündet. Metternichs Briefe an die Gräfin Lieven, Wien 1942.
4. Letters of Dorothea Princess Lieven, During Her Residence in London 1812-1834, edited by Lionel G. Robinson, London 1902.
5. Letters of Princess Lieven to Lady Holland 1847-1857, edited by E. A. Smith, Oxford 1956.
6. Lettres de François Guizot et de la Princesse de Lieven. Préface de Jaen Schlumberger. Édition annotée par Jacques Naville, t. 1, 1836-1839, t.2, 1840, Paris 1963, t. 3, 1841-1846, Paris 1964.
7. Lettres du Prince de Metternich à la comtesse de Lieven 1818-1819. Publiées avec une introduction, une conclusion et des notes par Jean Hanoteau, Paris 1909.
8. Selections from the Correspondence of the Earl of Aberdeen, vol. 3, Selections. Correspondence with Madame la Princesse de Lieven: 1832-44, edited by Arthur H. Gordon, Baron Stanmore, London 1857.
9. The Correspondence of Lord Aberdeen and Princess Lieven, edited by E. Jones Parry, t. 1, 1832-1848, London 1938; t. 2, 1848-1854, London 1939.
10. The Lieven - Palmerston Correspondence 1828-1856, edited by lord Sudley, b.m.w. 1940.
11. The Private Letters of Princess Lieven to Prince Metternich 1820-1826, edited by Peter Quennell, London 1937. [German version: Lieven-Quennell, P. (Hg), Vertrauliche Briefe der Fürstin Lieven. Bln. Steuben 1939,
12. The Unpublished Diary and Political Sketches of Princess Lieven together with some of her Letters. Edited with elucidations by Harold Temperley Reader in Modern History at the University of Cambridge, London 1925.
Secondary sources:
1. Александренко В. Н., Изь переписки княгини Ливень сь графомь Греемь, „Варшавскія Университетскія Известія” 1891, No 4, ss. 27.
2. Askenazy S., Pani Lieven, [w:] Wczasy historyczne, Warszawa 1902, s. 155-183.
3. Bingham M., Princess Lieven Russian Intriguer, London 1982.
4. Cadot M., La Russie dans la vie intellectuelle française 1839-1856, Paris 1967.
5. Daudet E., Une vie d’ambassadrice au siècle dernier. La princesse de Lieven, Paris 1903.
6. Dronsart M., La Princesse de Lieven et le Comte Grey, “Le Correspondant” religion-philosophie-politique-sciences-littérature-beaux-art, t. 159, nouvelle série – tome cent vingt-troisiéme, Paris 1890, s. 907-941.
7. Hyde H. M., Princess Lieven, London 1938.
Sneyd R., Notice of the Late Princess Lieven, „Miscellanies of the Philobiblon Society”, vol. XIII, London 1871-2.
8. Temperley H., Princess Lieven and the Protocol of 4 April 1826, “The English Hiostorical Review”, October 1924, vol. XXXIX, No 156, s. 55-78.
9. Zamoyska P., Arch Intriguer. A Biography of Dorothea de Lieven, London 1957.
10. Żurawski vel Grajewski R. P., Księżna Dorothea Lieven wobec polskich emigrantów, [w:] Niebem i sercem okryta. Studia historyczne dedykowane dr Jolancie Malinowskiej, pod red. M. Malinowskiego, Toruń 2002, s. 375-405.
Internet pages:
http://www.aei.ca/~anbou/lieven.htmlhttp://pages.prodigy.net/ptheroff/gotha/lieven.htmlThat is my first mail on your forum. I am not familiar as regards the rules of it, still I hope you will receive my message.
All the best