Thanks for the reply,
I’ve started reading the accounts of the bodies disposal only recently, and therefore I might be lacking significant information. Nevertheless, reading Yurovsky’s note I saw that he did not burn the rest of the bodies because of peasants arriving, regardless of the fact that they did burn quickly:
"I decided to make use of the swamp. And burn some of the corpses… Unloaded the corpses. Opened the barrels. Placed one corpse to test how it would burn. The corpse charred relatively quickly, then I ordered to start burning Alexei… At this time [they were] digging a pit… It was just before morning. Burning the rest of the corpses was not possible because again the peasants began to come out for work, and for that reason we had to bury the corpses in the pit."
We know that bodies don’t burn quickly at all. Is it not strange that Yurovsky supports the opposite? And then, what do all the contradicting accounts of those who took part in that procedure (of the disposal of the bodies) tell us? Is there any other source of information -of which I’m not aware- that clears things out?
Many thanks.