Author Topic: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again  (Read 9948 times)

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Offline Jeremiah

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A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« on: August 02, 2017, 12:53:17 PM »
A series of strange actions against Nicholas II has lately taken place in Russia. It makes one wonder: Why now? Is it because of the Revolution’s centennial? Is it because of the regicide’s coming centennial? Both? And the most critical question: Who is behind of it all? It really is strange…

A Film
“Orthodox Protesting New Film’s Portrayal of Tsar Nicholas II”

A new film, “Mathilde,” to be released in October, is dedicated to the history of the life of the ballerina Mathilde Kschessinska. It depicts an ongoing relationship with the ballerina even after Nicholas’ marriage to Alexandra.

A Vandalism
“Monument to Tsar Nicholas II, Tsarevich Alexey in Novosibirsk Attacked with Axe”

A 31-year-old Novosibirsk man placed a ladder against the newly-consecrated monument, and, having climbed up it, dealt several blows with an axe. The head of the tsarevich in the monument, which was apparently the target, is currently covered over by a cloth.

A Hero
"Communists Lay Flowers at the Grave of the Murderer of Russia's Imperial Family"

On July 16th Sverdlovsk communists laid flowers at the grave of the killer of the Romanov family, the revolutionary Peter Ermakov. The ceremony was headed by Alexander Ivachev, leader of the local Communist Party Branch.


Bishop Tikhon (Shevkunov) speaking in an interview with Russian Gazette, asked rhetorically… “What is that? …it is slander against real people”. As for me, Jeremiah, I’m wondering: Is there a deeper meaning to all this? I apologize for the rhetoric question. However, one can only stand with bewilderment at all these; at least that’s what I can only do.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 01:21:50 PM by Jeremiah »

Offline TimM

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2017, 06:01:59 AM »
A new film, “Mathilde,” to be released in October, is dedicated to the history of the life of the ballerina Mathilde Kschessinska. It depicts an ongoing relationship with the ballerina even after Nicholas’ marriage to Alexandra.

Which is total rubbish.  Nicholas may have had his flaws, but being a faithful husband was not one of them.

A 31-year-old Novosibirsk man placed a ladder against the newly-consecrated monument, and, having climbed up it, dealt several blows with an axe. The head of the tsarevich in the monument, which was apparently the target, is currently covered over by a cloth.

Sadly, there are people out there who get off on attacking monuments.  Some are mentally ill, others just like making trouble.

On July 16th Sverdlovsk communists laid flowers at the grave of the killer of the Romanov family, the revolutionary Peter Ermakov. The ceremony was headed by Alexander Ivachev, leader of the local Communist Party Branch.

Kind of like someone putting flowers on the grave of Ted Bundy, IMO.
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Offline Jeremiah

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2017, 06:35:29 AM »
Glad you wrote that, Tim. You know, voices must be heard. And I was very happy to read about the protests against the film. Especially the pickets of the protestors! It’s a crucial historical moment. Two so important centennials. The memory of them should teach us and remind us the tragic outcome of what had happened. I say it’s a crucial moment, because at such events there are always voices, and those voices -at these very moments- mark the Book of History of the world. So, that’s why I wanted to share with you all this. Just to use the chance to raise our voices and show that we listen to the voice of history and understand what others still try to distort.

Offline LisaDavidson

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2017, 10:56:38 AM »
The laying of flowers on the grave of the mass murderer Ermakov was reported in 2014 - three years ago.

Offline davidov

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2017, 04:19:43 AM »
Russia is undergoing a surge in nationalism, as Putin attempts to resurrect the traditional 'pillars' of social order, pioneered under Nicholas I.

These sort of public displays and 'campaigns' by politicians, and particularly a circus of Orthodox leaders, are common, as they scramble to stake a 'claim' on an element of 'Russian culture' in the public eye.

I doubt the vandalism of the statue had political motivations, as mentioned it was probably a result of one mans mental health issues. However that said, despite the 'lean of the masses' towards 'one Russian under Putin', there are still many millions of people who adhere to the politics of the past (Stalin can still pull a crowd) and the future (legitimate democracy).
It's really unfortunate that people are attempting to use the legacy of the Tsar for political purposes. The ROC has attempted to resurrect him as a martyr, without fault, something we all know is not the case, at least when it came to his political leadership. It is all good and well to complain about historical accuracy in terms of the film Mathilde, but I wonder how often the 'Head of the Imperial House' (roll eyes)
confronts those in denial about the crimes committed under autocracy.

Offline Jeremiah

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2017, 02:13:04 AM »
The ROC has attempted to resurrect him as a martyr, without fault, something we all know is not the case, at least when it came to his political leadership.

The Orthodox Church has never claimed infallibility for any of Her saints. On the contrary, sanctity, according to the Orthodox doctrine is a dynamic procedure, in the course of which, those who struggle spiritually do fall repeatedly, only to time and again stand on their feet and continue their journey in repentance and humility acquired through the understanding of their human weakness. That is what then becomes the unfailing trust in God's will, a property of the most noble spirits before the eyes of God. And that is exactly what Nicholas and Alexandra achieved in their own lives, which was so wrongfully considered, by those not understanding Orthodoxy, as religious fatalism.

Nevertheless, Nicholas and Alexandra surrendered themselves and their whole life to the will of God, even unto death, in the most spiritually perfect degree and thus -regardless of their human errors, unavoidable for all created beings- they reached the level of that kind of faith which overcomes death and renders the bearers of it living vessels of the grace of God in eternity, in a word: saints.

Offline Jeremiah

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2017, 02:42:47 AM »
These sort of public displays and 'campaigns' by politicians, and particularly a circus of Orthodox leaders, are common, as they scramble to stake a 'claim' on an element of 'Russian culture' in the public eye.

The Orthodox Church has no need of presenting “circuses” to the people of Russia, or any other nation, for any reason at all. The voice of Her martyrs, who have shed all their blood during the new Babylonian Era of 70 years under the communist yoke, still echoes -and shall always do so- and its sound reforms and regenerates the hearts of millions of people all around the world.

Orthodoxy IS culture itself, and claims no cultural portions from the plates of any bankrupted social or political factors. It has survived through the worst hardships the world has ever known, throughout history, and its legacy is far beyond the understanding of any modern “thinkers”.

It is only so easy for anyone -sitting in his warm and safe corner- to say that Orthodox leaders consist a “circus”, struggling to promote themselves and their Church in the public eye. But I wonder how would such people react in facing death, and the cruellest of kind. I consider it needless to present a list of the countless Orthodox leaders who gave their lives during the communist persecution. And if one was to say “well, back then the quality of the Church’s leadership was different”, I would remind him that this has always been the argument of the spirit of cowardice in the world, which has always been humiliated by the facts themselves, when history tested the quality of the Orthodox souls, be it at the level of leadership or that of common clergy and laity. That said, it does not mean that exceptions do not exist. Nevertheless, exceptions are just that: exceptions.

Offline davidov

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2017, 05:30:05 AM »
Jeremiah, I stand by my original point, if you wish to refute it, please provide some evidence to suggest that Orthodox leaders in Russia are not acting in the way I described.

Waxing lyrical about Orthodoxy and their unique role as martyrs, is not any sort of rebuttal,and proves nothing, but, I assume, your own individual piety, which unfortunately is not relevant to this discussion.

Expanding on what I said, The ROC has staked a claim in post-soviet Russia, and their capital has not just been cultural, but also financial. The leaders there have been embroiled in corruption, and the amassing of huge fortunes, just as the Oligarchs, and other political leaders have.

The fact is that the ROC is a 'part' of the Russian State, it supports it, and suffers from the same sort of rot.

Take a look at this 2015 article,

Offline Jeremiah

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2017, 07:24:31 AM »
The continuous presence of the martyrs throughout history -and especially in the 20th century- is not any sort of mere lyricism, but is a historical fact which proves the quality and the real dimensions of the Church. After 70 years of persecution, the Russian Church is free and strong. That is a fact. From there on, it is not my intention -and I shall not do so- to criticize the personal lifestyle or the motives of any certain present-day Church leader. The human weaknesses of any individual, be it a Church leader or any other member of the Church, cannot and do not affect the holiness, the integrity, and the solidarity of the body of the Church.

Furthermore, the issue of this topic is not the relationship between the Orthodox Church and the government. That is a vast subject which started 2000 years ago, has been formally established by St Constantine in the fourth century, and has developed in the course of history according to the surrounding reality of each epoch -all down to our times. The issue of this topic is the unjust criticism of the Royal Family. Obviously, some people are criticizing the Royal Family because they are frustrated with the condition of present-day Church and government. However, regardless of the merits of those frustrations, they cannot justify attacks on the Royal Family. It was in that perspective that I have tried to show how and why Nicholas and Alexandra have become saints: not as the result of any cultural pursuits of the Church, but through their own great spiritual efforts.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2017, 07:28:00 AM by Jeremiah »

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2017, 11:36:35 AM »
Correspondence of Nicholas II and Alexandra appears on 300 pro-family billboards throughout Moscow:

The quotes from the empress’ personal diary are part of the Church project “Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna: Words of Love,” dedicated to love, marriage, and family happiness. The project is aimed at the affirmation of family values in Russian society, and to give the people truthful information on the life of the royal family, as opposed to the historical fiction being propagated by the soon-to-be-released film “Mathilde.”

Offline GDSophie

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2017, 08:46:58 AM »
Correspondence of Nicholas II and Alexandra appears on 300 pro-family billboards throughout Moscow:

The quotes from the empress’ personal diary are part of the Church project “Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna: Words of Love,” dedicated to love, marriage, and family happiness. The project is aimed at the affirmation of family values in Russian society, and to give the people truthful information on the life of the royal family, as opposed to the historical fiction being propagated by the soon-to-be-released film “Mathilde.”

Yeah, like the time when Alexandra came at Mathilde with a knife. Anyone remember reading about that?
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Offline TimM

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2017, 12:10:19 AM »
Yeah, like the time when Alexandra came at Mathilde with a knife. Anyone remember reading about that?


Alexandra did no such thing, by the time she and Nicky were married, his affair with Mathilde was over and done with. 

Whoever is writing this movie really needs to get their facts straight.
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Offline GDSophie

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2017, 08:39:39 AM »
Yeah, like the time when Alexandra came at Mathilde with a knife. Anyone remember reading about that?


Alexandra did no such thing, by the time she and Nicky were married, his affair with Mathilde was over and done with. 

Whoever is writing this movie really needs to get their facts straight.

Well, apparently it happened in whatever world this movie is based in.
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Offline TimM

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2017, 07:58:09 PM »
I wonder what colour the sky is in that world?
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Offline JamesAPrattIII

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Re: A Film, a Vandalism and a Hero: Killing Nicholas II again
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2017, 09:31:33 PM »
My take on what might have happened: Putin despises Nicholas II. Putin was also a former KGB internal security man. What the Russian people see in the news and in entertainment is of great importance to him. No one I think could have made this movie in Russia without him giving it the OK otherwise someone will get fired or worse. The centennial of Nicholas II and family's murder is coming up and it could be an attempt to make him look bad. 2018 is also an election year in Russia no doubt Putin will win again. Also with Putin he is really afraid of a February 1917 style revolution deposing him. That's why he has created the Russian National Guard a 350,000 man force independent of the rest of the military to keep him in power. Note: over the past decade or so every dictator in the world that got ousted makes him more paranoid of being ousted.