Discussions about Russian History > Russian Noble Families
Help, please, with Russian Article about Mikhail N. Plautin
Hi! I live in the USA and am really working on putting together the family history of the Plaoutine/Plautin family (being relatives of Gen. Sergei Nikolayevich Plautin and Eleanor Pringle). I just found out that an article was published last year about their grandson, Mikhail Nikolayevich Plautin. It was published in a Russian magazine, and I'm really hoping that someone may be able to help me obtain a copy of the article . . . photos of it, anything. I do know someone who speaks Russian, so I can even get it translated.
All of the info about the article is shown as Source #3 to this webpage:
That translates in Google to: Shergalin E.E. In memory of Mikhail Nikolayevich Plautin (1895-1920) - a collector of bird eggs. Russian ornithological journal. 2016. Volume 25. Express release № 1267
Any help would be so much appreciated. Thanks!
Inok Nikolai:
Well, if you paste the text of that footnote into google.ru, you will come up with several sites which have that article.
Here is a PDF of it for downloading:
Thank you SO much! Great help, and I was even able to contact the author and discuss this. I really appreciate it.
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