Discussions about Russian History > Imperial Russian History

Were Lenin's Peasants Muslims?


I noticed from its Wikipedia article that the village connected with Lenin's (maternal) family estate, Lenino-Kokushkino (originally Kokushkino, in Tatar Apaqay), has a mosque, in addition to a church (a ruined old one and a new one, it seems). Quite logical, as it is located in Tatarstan, just outside of Kazan, with a majority of Tatar inhabitants. My question is thus: Were the peasants on Lenin's estate Muslims or is the mosque a recent addition because of demographic changes?
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenino-Kokushkino

If this is the mosque it doesn't look that old:


(Lenin also briefly owned the estate Alakaevka in Samara Guberniya, bought for him by his mother, but it was later sold and was not in a Muslim area).

In flipping through a couple of bios of Lenin yes there were Tartars/Moslems living in this area along with a number of non-Moslems.


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