Author Topic: Nurses, Nursemaids, Servants to Imperial Family c. 1890s??  (Read 4248 times)

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Nurses, Nursemaids, Servants to Imperial Family c. 1890s??
« on: October 22, 2017, 05:28:46 PM »
Hi! I'm hoping that some of you who have studied so much about the Imperial Family and their home life may be able to help with this or point me in a good direction.

I've got a friend whose relative was Emma Pugh (later Emma Bates, after her marriage). Emma was a young nursemaid to grandchildren of General Sergei and Eleanor Plaoutine / Plautin. From her remaining photos/papers, it appears that she cared for the children of Sergei and Vera Denissieff / Denisiev. She must have gone over to Russia around the 1890s, though the exact time is unknown. She returned to England for a couple years, married and had a daughter of her own. She was then called back in the early years of the 20th century (about 1904, I think) to help with the youngest of the Denissieff children.

One of Emma's nieces wrote that Emma's best friend worked for the Imperial Family and that the two were able to attend shows in the Imperial Box. Emma did save a picture of the Tsar and Tsarina with some of their young children.

Has anyone ever run across the name of Emma Pugh (Bates), or have any suggestions as to possibilities for the identity of her friend who worked for the Imperial Family?

Thanks very much!