To add to what I said earlier, the way people cope with practical issues in a crisis says a lot about their character.
Here you have three young girls who have led very sheltered lives, and have now just escaped from a massacre. This is a classic situation where people's true nature will come through. Do they have the inherent capability to rise above everything, and grow as people, or not?
I've just been thinking that this is probably the first time in the girls' lives that they have spent more than a few hours away from their parents. Now they are having to make decisions and take charge of things themselves - or are they just going to leave everything to Dimitri and Ivan?
James is right that getting arrows out is difficult, as they normally have barbed heads. If you want to make it straightforward, have to go right through Tatiana's leg, so that all that needs doing is to cut the head off and then pull the shaft out backwards. If the head is embedded, then things become much more complicated. Three possibilities:
a) If possible, push the head right through, or cut a channel to push it through, then cut it off and pull the shaft out backwards;
b) Cut away enough flesh around the head to release the barbs and then pull it out backwards
c) An instrument was developed in medieval times, I think, for getting arrows out. Essentially it was shaped like a pair of spoons. The surgeon needed to cut away enough flesh to get the spoons over the barbs, and could then pull the arrow out without doing further damage.
A bullet is more likely in this scenario, and with any luck, at the sort of range we're talking about it would go right through.
James is very well-informed and always makes sensible suggestions..