For DNAGenie:
I don't disagree with much of what you said. I do, however, have a different take on it. I find something sad about the Pathos of their situation and the resulting tragedy. Yes Nicholas knew his weaknesses, as did Alexandra. You miss the point that they had NO CHOICE but to accept their roles and "muddle on" as best they could. It was unthinkable from their perspective to NOT rule as Alexander III and his other ancestors had done. Alexandra bore a huge burden feeling totally to blame for Alexei's illness, she felt a huge guilt at not being able to "fit in" to the Social world of the Aristocracy, who mostly and unfairly never gave her a chance to be accepted for who she was, and who villified her for not conforming to their expectations, when as EMPRESS the Aristocrats had the duty to try to accept her, but they refused. This made her challenge nearly impossible. Her devotion to her family and her role was seen as a negative, by the aristocratic class who preferred her to be a social paragon of tradition, parties, and less about her family, Further the health issues of the Tsetsarevich compounded her difficulty, and she had no support or understnding from the Court for this challenge. I find it a tragedy of PATHOS,