Discussions about the Alexander Palace > Tsarskoe Selo Town

Maps of Tsarskoe Selo


Atlas of Tsarskoe Selo in 1857 - Catherine & Alexander Palaces

Included in the post below are our current maps of Tsarskoe Selo near Saint Petersburg. My sister and I have walked all of the streets while staying in this beautiful city for many weeks. We have researched the history of its public and private buildings!



Does anyone know where the village of Bolashaya Kuzmino is? It is near one of the railway stations in this area?


--- Quote from: JamesAPrattIII on June 24, 2019, 04:45:33 PM ---Does anyone know where the village of Bolashaya Kuzmino is? It is near one of the railway stations in this area?

--- End quote ---

That name is an impossibility. It must be Bolshaya, meaning Great, but the ending of the adjective is feminine by gender and names ending in -ino are neutral. There doesn't seem to exist any place called Kuzmino, but there are a number of places called Kuzminka (feminine ending). There is a village called Большая Кузьминка - Bolshaya Kuzminka, formerly Kuzminkoy, in Lipetskaya oblast, a few kilometres north of Lipetsk, where the nearest railway station is.

There are two Kuzminkas in Leningradskaya oblast, one (see here) along the Neva southeast of St. Petersburg, where a railway line crosses the Neva on a huge bridge (and the nearest station is called 26 км / 26-й километр), but none close to Tsarskoy Selo.


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