I had a quick look through my notes and came up with the following list of *possible females* who *could have* given photos to William Lincoln , feel free to add or correct me.
Tegleva - lived in train in Yekat - married Gilliard , could've taken any photos with her so probably not her.
Tutelberg - Lived in Toblosk house but not in Ipatiev house. Possibilty 1.
Dont know what happened to her.
Madeleine Zanotti - Senior maid - went to Tobolsk , but not in house , left Russia ?
Elizabeth Eltser - Junior maid - went to Tobolsk , but not in house , left Russia ?
Unnamed maid 2 - Junior maid - went to Tobolsk , but not in house , left Russia ?
Buxhoeveden - Lived in train in Yekat , left Russia , took her photos with her.
Narishkin - Elderly & didnt leave TS.
Schneider - Jailed then Shot but could've given her photos to Gilliard ?
Hendrikova - Jailed then Shot but could've given her photos to Gilliard ?
Ersberg - Lived in Toblosk house but not in Ipatiev house. Possibilty 2.
Died in WW2 in Leningrad.
Demidova - Lived in Ipatiev and shot with everyone else , could've smuggled photos out of house but extremely unlikely.
Vyrubova - not in Ipatiev , escaped to Finland , took her photo albums with her - Now in Yale.
Anna Yakovlevna Utkina - Junior to Tegleva - went to Tobolsk....then unknown

Ekaterina Zhivaya - maid to Schneider...............

Paulina Kasperovna Mezhants - maid to Hendrikova..............

Victorina Vladimirovna Nicholaeva - maid to Hendrikova..............

Anna Pavlovna Romanova - unknown junior maid
