From the book “Dnyevniki Impyeratritsy Marii Fyedorovny” (Diaries of the Empress Maria Feodorovna); I translated these excerpts using Google translator, so, I apologize in advance for the mistakes…Excerpts found in a Russian website.
15/28 June 1914, Sunday
We all went to the Anglican Church today. While having tea, a dreadful news arrived: the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife were assassinated in Bosnia. How cruel! Thank God that in dying, they were together. At seven o’clock, we went to Komb for breakfast. Soon came Chaliapin, who sang wonderfully.
8/21 August, 1914
Paul Benckendorff visited me after having a long break. We were both in despair at the terrible message from the front and other things that happen and are being talked about. Firstly, the evil Grigori returned, and that Alexandra Feodorovna wants Nicky to take the command instead of Nicholas Nikolaevich; she must be crazy to want this!
12/25 August 1914
Yusupov came after dinner, telling all sorts of horrors which are spoken around the city. Nicky came with his four girls. He began to speak that he will assume command instead of Nikolasha. I was so horrified that I almost had a stroke…I begged him not to do so, especially now that things are bad for us, and added that if he does, everyone will see that this was ordered by Rasputin…He does not understand the danger and misery it can bring us and the whole country.