You might want to take off the rose-colored glasses. I have spent more than a quarter of a century studying the descendants of of Queen Victoria, and have written extensively on various descendants. Members of the Romanian royal family have not made complimentary remarks about the late Elisabetha.
I can assure you that George and Elisabetha were never in love, and that the marriage was arranged, and was not a success. The two barely knew each other ... and the couple went into exile only a few years later.
You are also rather naive (but you did you say you were 17 or so so that's understandable). You need to spend at least 25 more years doing a lot of research to really understand. And I am still learning.
By the late 1920s, Elisabetha had gained weight, and lost her looks
Elisabetha became seriously ill during her pregnancy, and the baby was lost ... perhaps surgery had to remove the fetus -- and it is entirely possible that she had to undergo a hysterectomy at this time due to the issues.
Officials photos tend to show people in the best situations ... Mignon was never elegant, except in glossed up photos. I've got photos of her from late in life -- as well in books - and she was rather unattractive, rather overweight, paid no attention to her face or figure, wore mannish clothing, and lived with a woman ...
I think that is descriptive enough.
I don't hate Elisabetha. It is not a matter of hating ... it is a matter, however, of actually knowing about these people -- and Marie's kids -- they got the short end of the stick when it came to parents. All were screwed up. All had problems. Carol, Elisabetha, Ileana, and Marie all had arranged marriages ... all the marriages failed.
Elisabetha never reigned ... she was the consort. Her husband reigned.
The only 2 things I hate are broccoli and the New York Yankees.