Cimbrio,Prince_Christopher,I beg to differ.Monarchy is not a dying institution,certainly not if it adopts to the times.This modern day and age requires a different approach,and they being aware of that,present day Monarchies are "doing well" I would say.It very much provides continuity as well as a symbole of unity,which in this day and age gaines importance by the day,devided and "messy" as it often appears to be and is.The Constitutional Monarchy has proven to be strong in most if not all European Monarchies.As to the Greek,the referendum in the 70ties was unlawfull and corrupted by the then regime,the military dictators.
There are no absolute Monarchies anymore,nor do the present refer to their people as "their subjects",these days are long gone,and as Maki stated,most are/were trained to be a "CEO",but then with a very human touch.All are very much aware of what is going on today both in their own as in other countries,modern communication takes care of that as opposed to "old times"when their was an entourage that kept all they regarded "nasty,or unfavorable to themselves and twisted facts"away from the Monarch.With all misunderstandings,wars and revolutions as one of the results.
At present it is very unlikely that Monarchie will be restored in Greece,even tho Tino never renounced his Throne,recently lives in Greece again,and he and his Family attracks crowds to the streets.If Tino and his Family are ever to be called upon remains to be seen,I would use the Greek equivelent of the Spanish manana,avrio in this case...we"ll see.Regards,Lucien.