citizenship and illegal referendums are the two major bee's in my bonnet!
One day people will realize that this family was robbed of things that are God's alone to take, for He was the one who granted them
H.M and family are financially ok today and they have Danish and Spanish passports, but they lost thier identity as such, which the thieves, I wont call them the State, had no right to.
Also, they didnt just do it to the GRF, they stole and pillaged from half the population, yet the fools within Greece accept it on the chin and worry about the next ouzo and siesta!
Subsequently the lone voice that cries in the wilderness is lonely, but times change and people slowly wake up!
Look at what CP Alexander is slowly achieving in Serbia, or what Juan Carlos has done in Spain.
A strong Constituitional Monarchy, with a constituition set in stone is by far the best form of democracy there is, and most senior jurists (of western nations) agree!