Alexei has had quite some influence on me, i look at his memory and his life and try to be like him. I try to be brave when tragedy strikes, but i don't give up on being emotional, I try to be here for others, who are in need of help, or just a talk because to me Alexei seems to be that kind of person, or was that kind of person. I am from a triplet, and besides losing both my brothers i have probably spent a couple of years in the hospital because of health problems, some life threatening. And some of those issue's probably will be part of me for the rest of my life, and while I had to endure allot I try to take it on bravely, as Alexei did. We all have our cross to bare, and i try to wear mine as Alexei wore his.
Also, when I lost a close friend of mine to Leukemia when she almost was cured, i turned to my faith, and towards my faith in Alexei, and his Family(but especially Alexei) for help and guidance during that terrible time. I see him as a Guardian Angel, along with his family, Queen Astrid of Belgium and Princess Diana because they all cared for others, without wanting something in return. Alexei also made me really believe in God even more. I am more of a devoted Christian now, and i try to visit the church as much as i can just to find comfort in time of need.