Re: Michael Goleniewski
How he think anyone would buy his story (Yurovsky helped them escape, yeah, right)? Like AA, he was lucky that, at the time, the fate of the IF was still a mystery.
Besides, he was too young to have been Alexei. In 1961, when he first made the claim, Alexei would have been 57. Goleniewski did NOT look 57 in the pictures I saw.
This seems to be a revival of an older topic here.
I'm commenting on this basicly from memory, thus I could easily stand corrected. After his defection to the West, when USA and other security obtained what they felt was most/if not all of the information that he had to offer them, they were nonplussed at his continually escalating his claim that he was the Heir. If I recall correctly, one of his "handlers" said something to the effect that "he had flipped his wig." Thus his "Imperial" antecedents story came to be treated "in house" as embarassed nonsense. He was quickly pensioned off and he continued to draw up lists of funds world-wide that he felt were his. He even found an (authentic) childhood playmate of the Heir (all this has been on the Forum before, name, etc.) who felt indeed that he WAS the Heir via memories of places, conversations, etc. This relationship quickly went downhill.
He married in the USA, having his marriage performed by a descendant (son?) of Count Grabbe, and the Church chastised the priest for it: Goleniewski had used the Heir's name on the marriage documents. Thus not everyone believed him and he slid eventually into oblivion.
His background in Poland had been checked, even to examining the birth registers/gravestones, etc. of the parents, etc., etc.
As to his "illness versus age/appearance", he said that his illness made him a "child twice over," thus he had a youthful appearance. I'm not even certain that it was determined that he HAD haemophilia.
Then of course there is the utter nonsense few meetings in the US with his "sister, Anastasia," known as "Eugenia Smith." Interestingly, at least the initial meeting was recorded by the son of a well-known small publishing house.
All just "passing footnotes" in the pitiful saga of hoped-for survival.
Amusingly, while Goleniewsi has gone, the Heir still lives!! Like the quote re the American Santa Claus, "He's everywhere!" Even on this Forum, the Heir has EARLIER appeared in the form of a no longer contributing member who has said (on several of his MANY little sites) that he has been "certified" by a medium to have the memories of the Heir! The last time I checked the web site source of the "medium/certifier" who allegedly did the "certifications" , she posts at the end of her site under "Terms and Conditions," that "All content is for entertainment purposes only." But the Heir still lives! AP.