Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna

Tatiana's attitude?

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I've always heard Tatiana was the grumpiest and meanest of the grand duchesses. Anybody have any opinions? ??? :-/

Grumpiets? Meanest? With all due respectI think you have heard wrong! ;)

She was the "overseeing eye" nicknamed "The Governess" because she was usually put in charge of the girls to watch over them (ironicly she wasnt the oldest, Olga was, but still she was talller than her!) Anyway, couldn't Alix have felt that because she and Tatiana were close she thought that Tatiana was responcible enough to be in charge?

I think I understand what you're trying to say, although she has never been described as grumpy or mean. She was, however, a very serious and reserved young woman, and like in the case of her mother (whom she was closest to), some would misunderstand her as being proud and arrogant. She was a very mature girl, and as such was even considered more mature and responsible than her older sister Olga.

She has been described as the sister with the most "regal bearing," meaning she was the one with the character you would most associate with royalty, i.e. elegant, perfectly mannered, but rather standoffish. That's why she may have been thought to be "stuck up."

But despite her serious character, she was also more social than her sister Olga, and she longed to have friends, so she wasn't really all that aloof.

According to Alexandra, Olga was the grumpiest. But I don't know about Tatiana. Next to Maria, she seemed like the most giving of the girls. Isn't that why she was called "The Governess"? Because she was very protective and caring towards MAA?


--- Quote --- Because she was very protective and caring towards MAA? [/color]
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Tatiana always took charge and led the the others. Even Olga deferred to her.

--- Quote ---I've always heard Tatiana was the grumpiest and meanest of the grand duchesses. Anybody have any opinions? ??? :-/
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I think that many people think Tatiana was grumpy because of the frequent frowns she had in photographs. However, that's not true. She was just very serious, but a nice girl nonetheless.


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