Discussions about the Imperial Family and European Royalty > Tatiana Nicholaievna
Tatiana's attitude?
Tatiana was very reserved, elegant, and a teensy bit bossy ("the Governess"). She took a lot after her mother, character wise. She may have appeared haughty and distant, like in photos (as has been noted), but I think that disguised her shyness, like Alix again. She fit the bill, for some, of what a daughter of a Czar should be like. She was elegant, no arguement there!!! :D ;) 8)
I think, according to all the memories written of the young grand duchesses, none of them was ever described "grumpy" or "mean". Tatiana was well aware of her own position as a daughter of the tsar, she was quite reserved, and very well balanced. She was the serious one, whilst her sisters were sometimes mischievous and acted like "little wilds", especially Anastasia. Tatiana was the daughter who never made any trouble and was extremely unselfish. She longed for friends and social life. Anastasia was also sometimes described "the enfant terrible" of the family. She loved to rebel and make practical jokes, even tease other people. But nobody would call her "mean". In spite of her pranks and antics she had good heart and was very affectionate to her family and friends. Olga, who could be "merriest of the merry", would became quite moody sometimes, and was the only one of the girls who could yell her mother. During the war and especially the captivity of the IF she became depressed and withdrawn. Marie was "the angelic one", always kind, smiling, and outgoing. Sometimes she felt a bit abandoned because of her position in the family, between very close "big pair" and Anastasia and Aleksei, who were close, too. Her parents and sisters teased her because she was quite clumsy and plump, but later she became the maybe the prettiest of them all. They were a little bit naive and childish for their age, because of their isolated situation and lack of friends of same age. But they were all very charming and friendly girls, and I haven't ever read any of them called "mean".
When I said "grumpy and mean" I meant grumpy as, you know, grumpy. But when I said mean I meant, like, she teased, and was bossy, and not like she was deliberately cruel. :(
Tatiana was certainly Tsaritsa Aleksandra fyodorovna's favourite daughter, and was treated as the "eldest", instead of Olga, who was 2 years her senior. Behaving the eldest must have meant that she was more serious when it came to behaving, I suppose she grew a lot faster than the rest of the girls, but at any rate I don't consider her mean at all, nor grumpu. Perhaps a bit more serious, but her cold face in photos doens't mean at all she WAS cold, right?
According to the children's English Tutor C. Syndney Gibbes, he described Tatiana as
"A tall elegant girl you could hardly find anyone so thin...Tatiana was haughty and reserved, dutiful and pensive;it was impossible to guess her thoughts, even if she was more decided in her opinions than her sisters..."
And this coming from a man who knew her better than any historian, so perhaps Tatiana was a little snooty now and then.
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