Author Topic: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history  (Read 122627 times)

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The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« on: February 20, 2005, 04:11:33 PM »
1383 emanilel
1914 wilhelm
1924 zog I 1943-1946
1939 victor I


1346 Stafan VI
1877 Aleksandr I
1887 Ferdinand I
1918 Boris III
1943 Simon II


1941 Tomaslav III


1827 count kaoidistras
1832 Othon
1863 Geogios I
1913 Konstantinos I
1917 Aleksandros I
1922 Geogios II
1947 Pavlos I
1964 Konstantinos


1852 Danilo III
1860 Nikola I
1910 Nikola I
1921 Mihaljo  


1859 Aleksandreu
1866 Karol I
1914 Ferdinand I
1930 Karol II
1940 Mihai I 1927-1930

Serbia -Yugoslavia
1345 Stefan V
1804 Geogi I
1813 Milan I
1839 Milan II
1840 Milan III
1842 Aleksanda I
1868 Milan IV
1889 Aleksanda II
1903 Petar I
1921 Aleksanda III
1934 Pavel (regent)
1934 Petar II

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by frederika »


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2005, 06:10:26 PM »
Hello Frederika!
For ages I've been trying to find out about a king of Montenegro who was assassinated. I think it's Danilo III. Could you tell me anything about him, please? :)


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2005, 11:16:00 AM »
I haven't heard anything at all about the Albanian rulers. Does anyone have some information? Would be interesting...


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2005, 12:39:59 PM »
princes/ kings

1358 Carlo
1383 Balasha
1388 Geogeis
1444 Gejeji Skanderbeg
1914 William
1924 Zog I

Skanderbeg was the Albainian National Hero who founded  the first Albainian state Free from the Italians and Greeks
the Albainians are the last of the Illyerians who lived in the Balkans with the Greeks bethore the arival of the Slavs. After the fall of Konstantinopal Albainia fell under Ottamon  rule it was not untill 1914 did they regain independance again the major Europian Powers devised new borders leaving half the population out side in what is now Kosovo and gave the throne to Wihelm of Zu Wied (a german Princerpality) he was a relative of queen Elisaver of romainia. Wihelm gave up after six months and left the Country he was deposed in 1924. The same year Ahmet Zog 1895-1961 the son of a local albainian prince sized power and made him self presedent in 1928 he made him self king Zog I. Zog started to trasform his country from a medieval state in to a modern Monachy in 1938 zog Married a half American half Hungerian Countess Geralden 1915-2002 she was found seling post cards in a romainian Gallery Geraldien was a beautifful and accumplished young women. there was a problem Albainia was  under a protecterate of Italy in 1939 italy invaided King Victor Emmanuel was crowned king he was deposed in 1943 Aldainias mostly Musolem population were like al balkan people were vied as inferia saveges by the Nazi's and italians. Geraldine gave birth to her only child Leka in 1939 a few days later she and Zog fled over the greek border taking the royal jewels and most of the countrys gold with them they setaled in england in 1941 and then America were the Family and Zog's sisters who were niked named the ugly zoglits by most of europes monachys created a mock kingdom on long island. Zog finaly seteled in france were he spent the rest of his life dowing house work he died in 1961

Zog's son Leka was Crowned king in Paris which was atended by most of the Balkans ex royals the title was not as empty as it seemed as there were more Albainians living out side its boarders the regarded Leka as their king. Leka married in 1975 to an Austrailian Susan Babara Cullan Ward 1941-2004 they have one son Leka they went to live in south Africa were he owned an arms bussiness in 1990 Communism fel in Albainia it had been ruled with ruthless Maoisum and had alied itself with china the hole contrey was in ruins and to his day is the pourist in Europe. In1997 the royal family returned to Albainia for the first time a referendom was held in which 60% of the population voted not to restor the Monachy.


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2005, 02:03:40 PM »
Thank you, very interesting. Do you also happen to have any pictures of them?


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2005, 02:18:28 PM »
 :)yes i do but ill have to sort it out it might take a while


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2005, 02:50:38 PM »
King Zogu was very unpopular amongst the Albanian population. They saw the monarchy as an expensive affair. The king gave his five sisters,nephews and other relatives money from the state-budget, while the people were very poor.
When the king left the country as mentioned, a box with gold fell  from the aircraft and hit an albanian minister in the head, and he died on the spot.


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2005, 03:43:38 PM »
Does anyone know what happened to the Skanderbeg after Zog took over.


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2005, 09:33:09 AM »
Skanderbeg ruled between 1443-1463 zogu stiled himself his succesor hundreds of years later there is a statue of him on houre back in Tirana he is the Albainian hero. ;)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by frederika »


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #9 on: March 21, 2005, 10:18:59 AM »
Bulgaria had 7 Khans, 632-852 and 14 Tsars, 852-1396 before the modern state. Hence the historic names of the last king's sons- Kardam, Kubrat, Konstantin Assen and Kyril [who actually was named after Boris IIIrd's uncle I think].


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2005, 02:22:25 PM »
What can be said of the Russian-Balkan relations?
[I’m thinking mainly of the XIX century]

Is it correct to say that in the XIX century Russia saw as her duty the recapture of Constantinople from the Turks?
[you can imagine from this question I don't know much about Russian history, but that I'm eager to learn]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by palimpsest »

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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2005, 07:01:15 PM »

Is it correct to say that in the XIX century Russia saw as her duty the recapture of Constantinople from the Turks?

This is all the Russians every wanted and dreamed about until the communist take over.

"Fashion is so rarely great art that if we cannot appreciate great trash, we should stop going to the mall.


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2005, 07:56:27 PM »
Is the double-headed eagle a symbol of that?

[The Cantacuzene family in Romania has he same crest]


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2005, 05:38:37 AM »
It's not just a Tzarist whim but a geopolitical direction. The Russians will always try to find a way to get hold of at least one port on a warm sea.


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Re: The Balkans--their cultures, languages, religion and history
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2005, 12:23:55 AM »
We are used to talk about the Balkans [in good or bad terms]. But what makes the Balkans "Balkanic"?