Three month after the Gill’s Anna Anderson paper was published , in April 1995, Schweitzer, who refused to accept the DNA result, was given a space to make his rebuttal.
Schweitzer RR.
Anastasia and Anna Anderson.
Nature Genetics. 1995 Apr;9(4):345.
Here is Gill’s original data from (Nature Genetics. 1995 Jan;9(1):9-10.) .
---------------STR profile of nuclear DNA from Anna Anderson--------------------
---------------mitochondria DNA profile from Anna Anderson--------------------
---------------mitochondrial DNA figure--------------------
---------------mitochondrial DNA figure--------------------
Schweitzer is making a bold statement in the letter.
1) Bernd Hermann's testing showed that DNA was completely different from the Peter Gill's result.
Here is my response: WHERE IS THE DATA? If this is true, why doesn't he show the different mtDNA profile? Schweitzer must know it, because he can't claim this unless he knows the sequence. And if he knew it, why didn’t he show the difference?
And why is Hermann silent while Gill and Nature make a false statement?
If anyone knows about this, please let me know.
2) He also claimed that Stoneking didn't get STR from hair sample.
My response: Peter Gill already showed that he couldn't get STR from old hair sample. It is difficult, if not impossible, to get the nuclear DNA from old hair, that's why they needed intestine sample. That’s the whole point of the paper.
3) Many points suggested by Schweitzer are a typical red herring. For example, he claimed that sex of the mtDNA source was not determined. Of course you can’t determine the sex from mtDNA of hair sample, but why does it matter for the argument for the matching between Anna Anderson and FS’s maternal relative?
4) This letter was written 10 years ago. He claimed he was going continuing his investigation. If he had any solid evidence to contradict the Gill’s result, why didn’t he publish (journal, book or even on internet) any of the result? Other critics of DNA testing like Alec Knight claims he will publish his new finding in a near future, but I am suspicious if they ever do it.